To Review or Not to Review (Ashley Ashton main page discussion))

Hi all,
I read this post started by Ashley Ashton on the main page this AM and wanted to bring it to the local forum.
As you see this is my first post (on any forum). I am a local hobbyist and a survivor of CL, eros, backpage -- Etc. As with most of you I have discovered the more reputable forums ASPD (RIP), P411, so-on, and most recently ECCIE. Ashleys question was why do hobbyists review or not review -- For my part, as she eluded to, I do not want a trail. Another question - why review one provider and not the other? This question is the one that caught my attention explained as follows. (the long version) I have seen providers for a number of years now, I always spend time to read reviews,(thanks to those who participate), ads, providers co-ed discussions, their web site, anything I can find to make me aware of the ladies demeanor and intelligence (the last one is very important). To the question: I may see a lady several times before we go the distance, so to speak. I am in this for the connection. I am not easy to read, (see my avatar). I truly enjoy women. I have it in my mind I will review certain ladies, and I know I will not review others. I can say all of my appointments, of late, have been exactly as the ladies profile/ad may suggest. Are there others who feel the same way and or have other reasons .
To those ladies who know me, thank you all!
Possibility: since the venom on this board is not as volatile I may actualy participate as a reviewer.
Ladies and Gents -all - welcome to respond
Metal Smith
sixxbach's Avatar
well sometimes people do not want PM's from providers or anyone wanting an explanation about certain things in the session, etc. I have had one that I did not review b/c I did not want to hear anything. The session was not a "rip off" in the sense do I did not feel I had to post anything.

there are some WK's who will ride the horses no matter what you post, it kind of goes with the territory. I along with others have put enough time in this hobby. I would think other providers would feel that a long time member who criticizes another provider has "good reason" to and not just do it to be a prick.

Its sort of like the hobbyist who complains of no LFK or DFK but will not mention that his breath was a little stank. a criticized provider may not cop to not being at her best that resulted in a not so hot review.... Like they say three sides to every story.... her, his, and the truth!

happy hobbying,
Scorpiorules's Avatar
For me, I ask the provider if she wants to be reviewed, and I respect her wishes. I recently had a session that I wasn't happy with, but it was mostly my fault, I had a bad day, and wasn't in the mood, I prebooked 48 hours in advance, but didn't want to cancel because I figured the provider needed the money, and I didn't want a bad rep, but I did not review this provider even though she asked me to.

Also, I saw a provider in mid November and had a great time, and she asked me to write a review, but I got really busy, and never got around to writing the review. How long is too long to wait before one writes a review?
ny_travler's Avatar
Because I only dabble in the hobby, I am very dependent on reviews to make an informed decision on where best to spend my time and money. Since I like to draw water from the well, I feel it is my responsibility to put some back. I try and make a habit of reviewing most sessions, something that is fairly easy to do when it's only a half dozen or so a year. If I hobbied more often, or saw the same providers often, I am sure I would only review a much smaller percentage of sessions, and only when there was something new to report.

I usually ask for assistance/clarification from the local hardlegs when I am planning a trip. After my trip, I will often post the information I collected, along with my own observations and experiences into the locker room, so others can benefit from the generosity that was shown me. You never know what will be useful to the next guy making a decision on who to see.

Reviews provide the hobbyist the outlet most of us need. When you do something outside the lines of normal social acceptability, men often like to tell someone & pound our chest a little, as a way of savoring the moment. If not careful, this has a tendency to come back and bite you in the ass. For me, reviews are a good way to do this with a certain degree of anonymity within a community where our actions are considered appropriate.

For the provider, the review is free advertising, and another way of keeping her name out there and active in a discussion. I ask the providers opinion about reviews, and I always respect their wishes, as they do not get the same benefit of anonymity that I enjoy.
Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
Reviewing is a bit catchy with me. If I see you more than once then I won't review you again for the sake of duplicity; unless something spectacular happens. I've never had a girl tell me not to review her, but I've been encourage to offer reviews since it helps boost business. Only once have I actually had a review deleted on a former board that no longer exists because the girl cut some kind of deal with the board. Totally sucked since the session was worthless for the price, and I know my review could have been valuable to someone. Bottom line is that I will reveiw a new girl as I think it benefits the membership as all reviews have been beneficial to me.
Before I see a provider I try to read every review about her I can find. After I've seen her I kind of feel like it's my responsibility to return the favor, and write a review for others to read.
i can notget my words to print in reviews what do i do
i put my mouse in the right spot but i can not get it to take the words
what do i have to do
derek303's Avatar
I review most of my sessions. Once in a while I'll skip it. I had one not long ago like that. A well reviewed good looking travel hottie came in and I had a so-so session. JR. was lazy and figured it wasn't her fault. I skipped the review as it would of thrown her in a bad light. I ended up finishing with her, but it was far from the session I wanted.
runswithscissors's Avatar
to review or not to review.......

If you keep in mind the premise of this board, it is to share information...nothing more, nothing less.....

I will write a review strictly to share the facts, nothing more, nothing less; yes, I travel alot, maybe too much, and I in most part review the travelling ladies for a couple of reasons;
1. To give out information to the community of a lady visiting in town, and i will write a review immediately to get that information out so that someone who was "on the fence" about seeing her can make up their own mind about seeing her or seeing her on a future visit.
2. I always ask the lady if she would like a review done and in almost all cases, yes is the answer because, yes, it will help her business, and I have been told it "rounds out" her reviews if she gets reviews from several cities; different cities, different clientele.

We digress from the information only purpose of the review when we see reviews of " I made her come 12 times " and " she made me pop 6 times in one hour" or "she let me DFK just because I am a stud" kind of embellishments.

Anyone remember the old Dragnet TV series? "Just give me the facts, Ma;am"

Just my opinion; if we keep in mind the whole premise of reviewing, it benefits everyone on this board....

I have benefited greatly from reviews; hopefully, someone has benefited from my reviews; that is the purpose plain and simple......
blenderhead's Avatar
I don't review most of my sessions. Mostly if I have a particularly good time. I also like to review traveling girls quickly to get the word out and hopefully get them enough business to return. If I have a "meh" time through no real fault of the girl I tend not to review. I haven't had any major complaints yet since I try to pick girls carefully.

When I first found ECCIE I wasn't planning on posting or reviewing at all, but I benefited so much from the reviews that I wanted to give back to the community. And it's not like I can talk about any of this with anyone else in my life. So far I've avoided all drama, and I like it like that.

Having a lot of posts and reviews is also good for screening purposes. Usually a PM is enough if I don't go through P411.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 12-13-2010, 08:32 AM
I don't often write a review. I'll do one if a lady requests it and I can add something of value to the board, otherwise I don't. I also tend to see a lot of "regulars" and you'd tire of hearing about them.

I'm still debating whether to post a full review or an ML review of the Charity Auction session with the three lovelies...
I enjoy reviewing. I enjoy the process of writing, and recalling what happened during the session.

I also know that it helps the ladies' business a lot. They've often PMed me a few weeks later, saying business spiked after a good review.

I gave a few not so great reviews in my past incarnation here. I felt it necessary to inform.

I'm actually 6 reviews behind right now. That's the toughest part. Making the time to do it.
Leslie Lane's Avatar
I will always have a sweet spot for Metal. A tough cowboy with a gentle soul. Now, pull over...we have you surrounded!! Aaahhh, you had to be there.

Reviews are certainly beneficial for providers. Especially for someone like myself. Instant credibility, when you have none.
I will always have a sweet spot for Metal. A tough cowboy with a gentle soul. Now, pull over...we have you surrounded!! Aaahhh, you had to be there.

Reviews are certainly beneficial for providers. Especially for someone like myself. Instant credibility, when you have none. Originally Posted by Leslie Lane
I just love your avatar, and how appropriate considering I was -"surrounded"