Ukraine is the end of NATO

texassapper's Avatar
What sober military men in potential adversary countries across the globe see is that Russia has, with one hand tied behind its back, eviscerated the massive, relatively well-armed and well-trained Ukraine military. The US intimidation factor has been forever compromised.

Some interesting analysis. It'll be poo-pooed by the likely suspects... but they are fundamentally unserious people.

Another good thread to read is this one on The Strategic Irrelevance of Kiev. The strategy recalls the US Civil War.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Wanna bet?
oilfieldace's Avatar
What sober military men in potential adversary countries across the globe see is that Russia has, with one hand tied behind its back, eviscerated the massive, relatively well-armed and well-trained Ukraine military. The US intimidation factor has been forever compromised.

Some interesting analysis. It'll be poo-pooed by the likely suspects... but they are fundamentally unserious people.

Another good thread to read is this one on The Strategic Irrelevance of Kiev. The strategy recalls the US Civil War. Originally Posted by texassapper
One can only hope we sever ties ( sending the cocksuckers money) with that group
matchingmole's Avatar
What sober military men in potential adversary countries across the globe see is that Russia has, with one hand tied behind its back, eviscerated the massive, relatively well-armed and well-trained Ukraine military. The US intimidation factor has been forever compromised.

Some interesting analysis. It'll be poo-pooed by the likely suspects... but they are fundamentally unserious people.

Another good thread to read is this one on The Strategic Irrelevance of Kiev. The strategy recalls the US Civil War. Originally Posted by texassapper
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Originally Posted by matchingmole

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar

Here's a que:
Was the Ukraine actually admitted to NATO?
Or did Russia invade before the Ukraine could be actually admitted.
texassapper's Avatar

Here's a que:
Was the Ukraine actually admitted to NATO?
Or did Russia invade before the Ukraine could be actually admitted. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
We both know the answer to that and it's obvious. Before.

Now why would you bother to ask which came first? Would an invasion of Ukraine been legitimate if Ukraine HAD been admitted? I imagine you will go with of course it wouldn't be legitimate. But now that Ukraine is part of NATO... what does NATO have to do? That's right come to the military defense of Ukraine.

Your OWN question explains why it was a provocation to continue to entertain Ukraine admittance to NATO INSPITE OF PROMISES NOT TO!

The US, NATO, and any politician pushing for Ukraine admittance to NATO are solely responsible for what's going on there NOW.

I would say NATO should be abolished since it's reason for existing is gone. But it looks like the Russians might well fix that for us.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Still railing against multiculturalism/multinationalism, JL?
texassapper's Avatar