More than one provider in a day ?

I'm curious how many hobbyists have visited more than one provider in a day ?

What were the circumstances that allowed that ?
Pink Floyd's Avatar
Lunch with one (OTC) and date with another, but never 2 dates. Some of the guys tell me about their Dallas weekends. Lets see if any come forward. One woman a day is enough for me, but I wouldn't mind trying 2 or 3 or 4. LOL Now I wonder what the Hobbyist record is.
plainjoe's Avatar
I would not be able to physically rise to the occasion (pun intended). Maybe simultaneously, but not one after another.
burkalini's Avatar
Shit probably 80% of the active hobbyist have done it before. I've done it many times
Jannisary's Avatar
I've not seen two escorts in the same day but have gotten action in the strip clubs and then later had an appointment with an escort. The circumstances that have allowed it were deciding to take the whole day off and just have a fun day. Sleep in late, finally get around and out of the house, have lunch and then to one of the clubs, or lunch at the club when going to the Penthouse Club. Then spend a few hours at the clubs, usually pretty easy to find dancers willing to do more than dance depending on which club but almost all in the St. Louis area have girls willing to get a guy off one way or another. Then onto the hotel to get checked in, shower, get ready for date.
When You Are Ready's Avatar
I dated a lady who was a MILF at her home at 9:00 AM for an hour of fun, and then I would go to an AAMP around noon for a different kind of fun. I did this on about four different times. The lady finally moved to FL, and that ended it.
TheAntichrist666's Avatar
I have seen 2 providers at different times on the same day, I went home really exhausted.
dtymh55's Avatar
I have see two women at the same time. Need to try 2 different ones in the same day.
I'm guilty of escort binges. I've had 3 women in one day. Morning treat from an overnight, an afternoon snack and then a dinner date. So many friends when I visit a particular city. it's just hard to leave anyone out. Fun times!
pyramider's Avatar
Its no big when you are as lazy a fuck as me.
professoreccie's Avatar
Usually when I’m on the road for work I will visit with 2 ladies in a day. Usually when I first get off work I will do an incall before I head back to my hotel and then I will get the urge for a late night/early morning snack so I will schedule an outcall to my hotel. If I enjoyed the young lady from earlier in the day I may set up an outcall for later or try somebody off my TDL I made for the trip. That’s why I usually save up before I go on the road because I know I will blow my planned budget for the month big time.
shorty's Avatar
Where is the ManWhore SL when we need him? That's right he's recuriting new ladies for his stable. They said pimping ain't easy!! LOL
poppy71's Avatar
I've visited with 3 women in a day...morning, afternoon, evening and have had many days where I've seen 2 women in the same day at different times or for doubles appointments...all depends on how tired I am and how much time/fun money is available.
Lol..I've done civie gal in morning , then a double in afternoon and followed it up with a late night civie action....couldn't hardly function next
Then once I was with lady friend at a sex parlor and toy shop and she got all worked up and wound up in parking lot making out and got bj and had already set up appt with ATF for that afternoon and went to it ...I performed but my ATF knew something was off and asked and I had to tell her a had a quickie In parking lot couple hrs earlier.
She laughed her ass off when I explained.
Ok...some of these comments my dear ol Dad would call "FISH STORIES"...LOL

Really however..... I am glad that you guys are spreadin the to speak....GOOD ON YA!

Being the older bigger provider I am..... I'll take the guy who is on round two or three...
Although if your on #2 you may not be seeing #3...just kiddin...
Yall Boys have fun....