Liberal, looney progressives on display

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
There are a few here who like to claim that the GOP has changed from the 60s. They say this so they can make the claim that the racist democrats of the 19th century (and most of the 20th century) are now in the GOP. Lets check this out; Baltimore Mayor and liberal democrat Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said that she was allowing the protesters (not rioters) room to "break things".

Lets compare that to 1968 when the democratic Mayor of Chicago Richard Daly opened up hell on the rioters (he called them rioters and not protesters) to prevent property damage to the city.

It seems that racist, hateful black people are attacking things that they think are owned by white people. This was the police and not the white people who may have killed this man (quick! What is his name without looking it up?) Meanwhile Obama sits 40 miles away telling jokes, eathing, and drinking with celebrities.

Looks like things HAVE changed in the democratic party and not for the betterment of the citizens.
Another bullshit thread by barleycornball/
It's bullshit for the owners, with their property on fire and being looted from as the mayor stands by and watches.

They are getting some street cred, but the rest of the world that matters just quit giving a fuck about Freddy whats his name
Prob the same bunch of thugs who burnt and looted in Ferguson.
gfejunkie's Avatar
... And what happens when the liberal dimocrap mayor "gives them space to destroy"...

They take it...

... And what happens when the liberal dimocrap mayor "gives them space to destroy"...

They take it...

Originally Posted by gfejunkie
So I'm guessing you'd rather have police in harm's way?
gfejunkie's Avatar
I'd rather have police officers with orders to shoot on sight.
Baltimore has a Black Mayor, a Black Police Commisioner, and the police force is 50% Minority. Heck, I am watching a news conference right now on Fox, and every official on the stage is Black

They will not release the ethnicity of the Officers involved in this death. All we can tell is one is a woman due to the name.

Maybe cops should just abandon the parts of cities where drug dealers, street thugs, and those that steal and commit crime on a daily basis hang out. Fuck em. Let the animals run the zoo, and then we will have no more cops killing "innocent" young Black Men.

By the way, this past week end in Chicago, there were 27 acts of violence that resulted in 6 deaths and 21 wounded, all Black. Business as usual. I wonder if these Black Lives matter?
Hatred of all blacks for the idiocy of a few is like hatred of all whites because of the KKK, Aryan Nation and Skinheads.
Just saw the Mayor and the police chief on CNN. They in are over their heads. Police Chief characterized it as murder twice then backtracked poorly.

The talking heads on CNN are hammering the former mayor of Baltimore and Gov of Baltimore O'Malley for making the region a police state. You know O'Malley, he's running for Dem nomination for President.


Gray had a lengthy arrest record with convictions dating back until at least 2007, according to the Maryland Department of Justice. Not all of the arrests led to convictions, in many of the cases he pleaded guilty to one charge while the others were dropped. Details of when he spent time in prison were not immediately available. His arrest record includes at least 18 arrests:

March 20, 2015: Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance
March 13, 2015: Malicious destruction of property, second-degree assault
January 20, 2015: Fourth-degree burglary, trespassing
January 14, 2015: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance, possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute
December 31, 2014: Possession of narcotics with intent to distribute
December 14, 2014: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance
August 31, 2014: Illegal gambling, trespassing
January 25, 2014: Possession of marijuana
September 28, 2013: Distribution of narcotics, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance, second-degree assault, second-degree escape
April 13, 2012: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance, violation of probation
July 16, 2008: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance, possession with intent to distribute
March 28, 2008: Unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance
March 14, 2008: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to manufacture and distribute
February 11, 2008: Unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance, possession of a controlled dangerous substance
August 29, 2007: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute, violation of probation
August 28, 2007: Possession of marijuana
August 23, 2007: False statement to a peace officer, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance
July 16, 2007: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance (2 counts)

Anybody every see Michael Brown's juvi record?
You know O'Malley, he's running for Dem nomination for President. Originally Posted by gnadfly

Turdy, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but.......

O'Malley is no longer the Governor of Maryland.

Larry Hogan is now their Governor.

Guess what?

Hogan is a Republican.

Nice try at deflection though!

Yep, Turdy is an Idiot!
Governor of Baltimore? I didn't know Baltimore was a state.
Governor of Baltimore? I didn't know Baltimore was a state. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Turdy is a dim bulb!

That's why JD and his fellow Idiot's allow Turdy the Idiot Turdfly to buzz around 'em.

Turdy is even more ignorant that they are!
I'd rather have police officers with orders to shoot on sight. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
This isn't Hazard, Kentucky. So you favor a police state then?

Turdy, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but.......

O'Malley is no longer the Governor of Maryland.
Originally Posted by bigtex
Oh please, I meant to type former mayor of Baltimore and governor of Maryland. I know a Republican is currently Gov.

Here's what they also said that was interesting about O'Malley by CNN...that he had put in oppressive police powers as mayor and governor in order to clean up the streets of Baltimore particularly around search and seizures of drugs. During O'Mally's time crime reportedly dropped.

Here's a dKos article that somewhat reflects what was said on CNN.

My guess is those O'Malley zero tolerance polices are still in place with the new Mayor and Gov. What was Gray? A known drug dealer.

Thanks Clinton News Network.