Best DT in amp land?

DDDDDD's Avatar
Been a while since site was down. Any help here would be appreciated.
FattyMcGee's Avatar
Star@Lucky Haven and Lisa@ Pearls have yet to be dethroned.
playerplano's Avatar
Lisa at Pearls can lick your balls , while you are balls deep in her throat lol.
DDDDDD's Avatar
Thank you! I heard tutu was solid but can’t seem to find her.
White Tiger's Avatar
Lisa, hands down, so to speak
Sloppyplz's Avatar
Does Lisa also give Sloppy DT? Lots of spit
Hank3fan's Avatar
Star at Lucky Haven
Thai Nancy at Blue did fairly well
AmericanHardwood's Avatar
Nikki at Star Studio
Everyone of her reviews not just some explain this.