Ann Coulter - Best thing Trump could do for America is die.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Not a big Ann Coulter fan, but she isn’t afraid to tell it like she sees it.

In this case, Trump choking in a chicken bone while Melania cackles wildly on the other side of the room may be what makes America great again. (Harsh, I know but it would be poetic justice.)

Ann Coulter: Best Thing Trump Could Do for America Is ‘Die’
The one-time MAGA supporter became a born-again anti-Trumper in recent years, admitting she was “a very stupid girl” to support Trump in she early days of his ascendance.

Ann Coulter didn’t mince her words when asked what former president Donald Trump could do to “help us take America back.”

“Maybe he could die?” she wrote on X.

The one-time MAGA supporter—and author of In Trump We Trust—became a born-again anti-Trumper in recent years, admitting she was “a very stupid girl” to support Trump in the early days of his ascendance. She’s since flip-flopped in her stance on the former president, calling him “the biggest wimp ever to serve” when he bailed on a total border shutdown plan she advised.

“Trump can barely speak English. He’s a gigantic baby,” Coulter told New York Times columnist Frank Bruni before the first Republican debate last August.

While she may have flipped the script on her former champion, and expressed extremely unexpected support for Kate Cox, the woman who was denied an abortion by her home state of Texas in December, Coulter has clearly not let go of her unabashed racism or her Karen-esque ways. She told moderate Republican Nikki Haley, “Go back to your own country” last year and continues to rail against “illegal immigration.” Instead of choosing a horse in the presidential race, Coulter expends her energies attacking Trump, Haley, libs, and anyone who doesn’t support a complete border overhaul.

“Trump won’t close the border. He’ll push for amnesty, allow anchor babies and sanctuary cities to continue, ban bump stocks, propose taking guns away without due process and hire half of Goldman Sacks,” she wrote Saturday on X, misspelling the name of the investment giant. “The presidential election is worthless. Concentrate on the House & Senate.”
eyecu2's Avatar
Song by John Lennon

"Some people say....I'm a dreamer.. But I'm not the only one!"

The guy has divided an entire country politically and in every way possible. Talk about a tyrant in charge. JFC.

We all just want good things without all the drama-
Song by John Lennon

"Some people say....I'm a dreamer.. But I'm not the only one!"

The guy has divided an entire country politically and in every way possible. Talk about a tyrant in charge. JFC.

We all just want good things without all the drama- Originally Posted by eyecu2
The Democrat/Socialist/Progressive Liberals are the ones who divided the Country in their relentless campaign of hatred for anything “Trump”.
Song by John Lennon

"Some people say....I'm a dreamer.. But I'm not the only one!"

The guy has divided an entire country politically and in every way possible. Talk about a tyrant in charge. JFC.

We all just want good things without all the drama- Originally Posted by eyecu2
Actually the country had always been divided, Trump just brought it out of the closet. Most people can't handle that because they thought the country was doing fine and there was harmony. Trump isn't the reason for anything, it's the people and the lies they believed in. Don't expect anyone to save this country not even Trump he's a marked man. It's up to everyone to save themselves.
winn dixie's Avatar
Trumpf wife says...

"I dig grave now"
Ann Coulter is not a fan of trumpf.
Ultimate sign of rationale and intelligence
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The Democrat/Socialist/Progressive Liberals are the ones who divided the Country in their relentless campaign of hatred for anything “Trump”. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Not really Jackie. That stuff started during the first Bush administration. And not by the Democrats.

I remember during Bush 2, the greatest threat to our democracy was gay marriage. Not the failing economy and fake war in the Middle East. Yet God, Guns and Gays was all the RWWs were talking about.

The very fact that you need to label non-Trump supporters as DPSTs is telling unto itself.
... Ann Coulter? .... Hmmm... Ann Coulter??

Is she somehow relevant? ... Does she play woman's
football or basketball?? ... Hmmm... Coulter... ???

... Country music singer?? ... Democrat Congress??

... Surely wish he name somehow rang a bell with me, mate.
... I must have forgotten her.

... However - she IS entitled to her-own opinion.
As are you - and as are I...

#### Salty
eyecu2's Avatar
Actually the country had always been divided, Trump just brought it out of the closet. Most people can't handle that because they thought the country was doing fine and there was harmony. Trump isn't the reason for anything, .... Originally Posted by Levianon17
I was going to reply with a rant on how shitty Trump is, but instead, I'll point out to you a few things that perhaps you didn't experience - if all your friends and aquaintances were Trump supporters and not Democrats.

Trump has made ppl think that white supremacy and racism is ok.

Per Trump - Gone with the wind was the last great movie-

Great People were on both sides- chanting jews will not replace us...and worse in Charlottesville VA

Trump can't even name a bible verse- and says he's a big believer. Oh, cause all bible readers can't name one verse. He doesn't even know the lords prayer.

I know ppl who cannot talk to family members due to the level of divisiveness that has been created by demonizing political liberalist as being the same as Marxism, socialism and absolute filth to those on the right.

He's a climate denier, and has ZERO sense of what climate change actually means or it's affects - yet we keep having year after year of record breaking storms and catastrophes.

Trumps ginned up followers drive around like impetuous teens etc., touting the fox talking scripts and lines. Double standards and two tiered system. It's ridiculous. criminals get caught...the fact that this guy keeps getting caught is because- HE's A CRIMINAL. And everyone of his cabinet members were incompetent morons. He hired the best, fired most of them and then put someone in as acting capacity.

You stated: Most people can't handle that because they thought the country was doing fine and there was harmony.

THE FUCK THERE WAS! I don't recall people hating others just because they were affiliated to a political party. You must be living under a rock sir.

I'd ask you - when do you think this division of the common man and political parties began. When was it that there was NO compromise in politics or policies before? When did executive orders become the way we dealt with issues of large importance only. EVERY administration had some portion of that, but nothing like during TRUMP. Which is why Biden undid them and is seeking a bipartisan solution.

THe prior 4 years was madness as far as anyone who did buy the red hat solution guy and your presumed harmony that you quoted.
  • Tiny
  • 02-06-2024, 03:59 PM
In this case, Trump choking in a chicken bone while Melania cackles wildly on the other side of the room may be what makes America great again. (Harsh, I know but it would be poetic justice.) Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It's sad, just absolutely sad that you'd wish that on poor Donald Trump. That's the difference between a Democrat liberal like you and a compassionate classical liberal like me. I'd much rather the Donald died from a sudden and painless heart attack while in the throes of passion. Preferably before the South Carolina primary.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It's sad, just absolutely sad that you'd wish that on poor Donald Trump. That's the difference between a Democrat liberal like you and a compassionate classical liberal like me. I'd much rather the Donald died from a sudden and painless heart attack while in the throes of passion. Preferably before the South Carolina primary. Originally Posted by Tiny
I think we are saying the same thing!

Throes of passion ~ bucket of chicken

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... Preferably before the South Carolina primary. Originally Posted by Tiny
As you may have learned from the Nevada primary... He would still win.

But why, oh why is that <insert wailing and gnashing of demonic teeth here...>?
Because.. he's Da Boss of da bosses. Dat's why.

I was going to reply with a rant on how shitty Trump is, but instead, I'll point out to you a few things that perhaps you didn't experience - if all your friends and aquaintances were Trump supporters and not Democrats.

Trump has made ppl think that white supremacy and racism is ok.

Per Trump - Gone with the wind was the last great movie-

Great People were on both sides- chanting jews will not replace us...and worse in Charlottesville VA

Trump can't even name a bible verse- and says he's a big believer. Oh, cause all bible readers can't name one verse. He doesn't even know the lords prayer.

I know ppl who cannot talk to family members due to the level of divisiveness that has been created by demonizing political liberalist as being the same as Marxism, socialism and absolute filth to those on the right.

He's a climate denier, and has ZERO sense of what climate change actually means or it's affects - yet we keep having year after year of record breaking storms and catastrophes.

Trumps ginned up followers drive around like impetuous teens etc., touting the fox talking scripts and lines. Double standards and two tiered system. It's ridiculous. criminals get caught...the fact that this guy keeps getting caught is because- HE's A CRIMINAL. And everyone of his cabinet members were incompetent morons. He hired the best, fired most of them and then put someone in as acting capacity.

You stated: Most people can't handle that because they thought the country was doing fine and there was harmony.

THE FUCK THERE WAS! I don't recall people hating others just because they were affiliated to a political party. You must be living under a rock sir.

I'd ask you - when do you think this division of the common man and political parties began. When was it that there was NO compromise in politics or policies before? When did executive orders become the way we dealt with issues of large importance only. EVERY administration had some portion of that, but nothing like during TRUMP. Which is why Biden undid them and is seeking a bipartisan solution.

THe prior 4 years was madness as far as anyone who did buy the red hat solution guy and your presumed harmony that you quoted. Originally Posted by eyecu2
This is just rambling bullshit. The breakdown of America has been going on for years. The Media and the Democrat Party taught you to hate Trump. Although Trump nor anyone else can fix this country Trump is the least of our worries but yet he has become public enemy number one. America is a dysfunctional country, Our leaders are more concerned with other countries problems than it's own. The best years of America are long gone. The best advice I can give is keep a low profile.
txdot-guy's Avatar
It's sad, just absolutely sad that you'd wish that on poor Donald Trump. That's the difference between a Democrat liberal like you and a compassionate classical liberal like me. I'd much rather the Donald died from a sudden and painless heart attack while in the throes of passion. Preferably before the South Carolina primary. Originally Posted by Tiny
I’m hoping for a debilitating stroke.
txdot-guy's Avatar
This is just rambling bullshit. The breakdown of America has been going on for years. The Media and the Democrat Party taught you to hate Trump. Although Trump nor anyone else can fix this country Trump is the least of our worries but yet he has become public enemy number one. America is a dysfunctional country, Our leaders are more concerned with other countries problems than it's own. The best years of America are long gone. The best advice I can give is keep a low profile. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Nobody had to teach me to hate Trump. He did that all by himself by opening his mouth and telling lie after lie.
eyecu2's Avatar
Trump is just the symptom of something far worse. A conservative party that is so far out of touch with mainstream; that his approach to resolving situations is to lie, break rules, distort facts, and to pit one person against another. He's literally the antithesis of what America needs. Those that think the best years of America are long gone, sound like the uneducated sour grapes suckers, who were taught GOD, GUNS and Guts - and it only counts if they conservative views of that. It's been my experience that what makes this country GREAT is it's diversity.

Diversity in:

Every single one of the above has increased steadily over the past 30 yrs. (With the exception of Walmart destroying small town shops and diversity of what you can buy).

I actually think it's gotten better by adding each of those items, and the parochial viewpoint of conservatives just hate that. You shouldn't be allowed to have all those choices-..they would prefer that you stay in your lane an remember that the church is number one. (sounds like days of the 4th and 5th century thinking actually). The founders would be sickened by what the GOP has become under Trump and Jesus would simply slap you all across the fuckin face.