"Do Not See" list

guest071618-1's Avatar
Ladies and gentlemen, who is/are on ur "Do Not See" List?

I know I am on some of ladies "Do Not See" list due to all nasty thing I said here..

Mod, just delete this thread, if it breaks the rules.. No more points.., lol
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
All men, women with penis, and women with man made vaginas are in my Do not see list.
Goose2u's Avatar
Posting a list like this would just be causing animosity without all the details from each side of the story there's plenty of threads up here for everyone to do their own homework
Chung Tran's Avatar
Goose2u is right,
I think I observed more Board hostility than ever this week, maybe the extra hot weather at the start fueled some passions? what we don't need is fueling more discord..
All men, women with penis, and women with man made vaginas are in my Do not see list. Originally Posted by Luke Skywalker
Don't let the GLBTQABCDEFG, trans species, trans alien, etc..... community see this. They might boycock (I know, boycott) your business.

Goose2u is right,
I think I observed more Board hostility than ever this week, maybe the extra hot weather at the start fueled some passions? what we don't need is fueling more discord.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I think the hostility is generated by the summer heat for sure. Everybody smells like stink - ass and sweat when they show up. A 10 minute ride in a car after a shower fresh shower and I'm a mess.

Providers are pissed. The clients are pissed. Everybody's pissed.

Hell, I walk from the shower to the bed and I'm sweating. Uhg! LOL
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
In my experience, very few ladies have a DNS list or if they do, it's VERY short.

With 2 exceptions that I can think of, while answering this topic, I don't have anyone that I wouldn't see if they screened, or jumped through some screening hoops when needed.

Most of the board "personalities" that I might go back and forth with, I do for fun, and they wouldn't be visiting with me anyway because I'm not their type.

This whole DNS List thing, well it's there for plenty of ladies but I don't think that many of us have an ACTUAL list. Maybe just more of a set of guidelines. Wait. Is that a line from a movie or something?

I just woke up from a brief nap.

Anyway ... just my thoughts.

MaxiMilyen's Avatar
In my experience, very few ladies have a DNS list or if they do, it's VERY short.

With 2 exceptions that I can think of, while answering this topic, I don't have anyone that I wouldn't see if they screened, or jumped through some screening hoops when needed.

Most of the board "personalities" that I might go back and forth with, I do for fun, and they wouldn't be visiting with me anyway because I'm not their type.

This whole DNS List thing, well it's there for plenty of ladies but I don't think that many of us have an ACTUAL list. Maybe just more of a set of guidelines. Wait. Is that a line from a movie or something?

I just woke up from a brief nap.

Anyway ... just my thoughts.

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
I love cat naps.....makes me feel like I got a treat.....:-) Hope you enjoyed yours, hon.
plove35's Avatar
I have a DNS type...but would dare not post it...to many lonely trolls on this board. Keep your DNS private
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I have a DNS type...but would dare not post it...to many lonely trolls on this board. Keep your DNS private Originally Posted by plove35
I agree. Never saw one guy post a thread that a lady turned him down and then whine about the injustice of it all. So, while some of mine may be REAL obvious, there are just folks who are not compatible. If they guys can't see it and don't know why, no need for us to share.

Wait a minute....yes I have. LOL One thread in particular comes to mind. But, that was a never ending whine fest.....geez. LOL

We all have types we like.....go gettem and don't worry with those ya won't.
guest071618-1's Avatar
I guess I should posted mine first..
Too many piercings and piercings at un-usual areas
Too many tattoos or large tattoo,, but I can make exceptions to someone who look super sexy and/or skill that is beyond.
Super crazy bitches who has done anything and everything in reviews.
Bitches who bitch...

I am tempted name DNS list but I will wait til after my DFW trip,, when my account can get suspended...
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I love cat naps.....makes me feel like I got a treat.....:-) Hope you enjoyed yours, hon. Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen
Thanks, Max! I know this is a horrible thread drift (perhaps I need a spanking?), but I LOVE naps and used to take one every day. I don't any longer but I miss them when I do not.

With the whole "list" thing, I guess that the OP was asking to see what might happen with such a topic but I don't think that it has to be ALL that negative.

The 2 guys that are on my list aren't necessarily bad. Well, I won't go into details but I just won't see one again. Or the other one, ever.

If someone was just a horrible person, that would be a whole other discussion and not just about a DNS list.

And some guys are just caustic. Why would one WISH to visit them? But who I am, and my shape, etc., tends to attract some of the nicer guys of the demimonde.

Plus, I don't have a lot of men on some sort of imaginary list because when I screen, I ask to speak to each and every one of them by phone. And if they don't sound like someone that I would like to spend some time with, then I do not see them just to make an extra buck.

Life is too short. (And yes, I shoot myself in the foot a lot, financially, for being picky. But I also feel that it's just safer to have a few boundaries in place. It works for me!)

I have a theory that a LOT of the TRUE assholes around see the much younger, and prettier (!), ladies. Some guys wish to manipulate the younger sex workers because they know that they cannot get away with certain behaviors from us older (and/or more experienced) ladies.

Have I had bad experiences? Oh yes. I had to throw someone out of my incall a couple of weeks ago. It was very negative. And unpleasant. But I can do it. I have limited patience if a guy is going to act like a dick.

Guys interested in kink, BDSM, etc., tend to be better behaved overall (visit the forum Another Realm and you'll see good manners pretty much throughout the forum) and men who like BIG women tend to be well behaved as well.

Guess that is just me, though.

Hey Max! How is the weekend treating you?

MaxiMilyen's Avatar
ah heck, they don't care if ya hate on the ladies here, or hadn't ya noticed? LOL Just don't break the rules while ya do it. LOL

yep....I used to take them often, but rarely anymore. It's just a delicious treat....almost as good as chocolate truffles.....mmmmm Or, my fav Mon Cheri's filled with liquer.....gosh! mmmm mmmm mmmm BEST EVER!

DNS.....anyone that makes me feel like I'm not REAL, for sure. Others for various reasons.....but they choose us too for all their reasons....no big or offense meant. We're either both on the same page, or we're not.

Oh Elisabeth, sorry I didn't mean to ignore your question....LOL I have a friend over, another friend went out to get Margaritas and Mexican food. I've laughed 4 times Out Loud this morning from funny remarks made here, but someone found it odd and then felt the urge to rain on my parade, but eff it, (excuse my french!).....my life is good, great even! The ribs have almost completely healed, the car is running better since I had the transmission replaced. :-) Come on over for a margarita. Got another friend dropping by to show me his new Motorcycle. My life does not suck in the least....LOL

how's yours?
Eng, don't worry. There are plenty of women who will see anyone as long as they have the cash. All dont follow the adage all money is not good money
Duthgar1976's Avatar
im sure plenty have me on their DNS list since i am a cave troll and have no idea how to interact with human beings anymore.