BDSM in Mainstream Media

TexEngnr's Avatar
Anybody else notice how BDSM is popping up all over the place in mainstream media? Often a background subject in TV shows; '50 Shades', a frequently and openly discussed best seller; one of the new Masterpiece Sherlock Holmes episodes; it just seems to be very present in many public areas.

It makes me feel a little strange. I found myself with a group of real world friends (all vanilla I assume) when the subject came up recently. The discussion included a few showing a little interest in understanding it better. Multiple obvious misunderstandings were stated as facts. Most comments were immediate (and superficial) condemnations.

At one level, I wanted to speak up in defense of BDSM, to explain Safe, Sane and Consensual, to suggest that it is shallow thinking to assume all Doms are egotistical, perverted, thuggish, control freaks, and that all subs are abject weaklings, damaged people in need of serious therapy.

But, in that circle of friends, I could say nothing. So happy to have this community of understanding people.

Thank you all.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Stereotypes abound and, I think, represent a comfortable world view for too many. It's sort of ironic that many those who readily condemn BDSM would like to "control" via government proxy those behaviors they find "deviant".
Ms. Athena's Avatar
Most are afraid of the unknown and this leads to one being prejustice of things they do not understand. How can you judge and blast something you have no clue about......I know Kink is not for everyone and I would never try and force it on others, butt one should not judge others out of ignorance...........To each his own. Live and let live.....Life is to short not to have fun......YUM!
Just'AintNuttin's Avatar

I agree I am seeing more and more...many people joke about it and although I am new to the concept and have yet to partake I am super excited about my first session when it happens I will be so very ready. I have been studying and studying....I am and will submit fully when it occurs...In my real life. I am not a sub...I am actually a DOM..I am a manager..Funny isn't it.. We all have our releases and this will now be mine...

Thanks for your post..
Ms. Athena's Avatar
Such a good lil sub you are AE..........Now back to your corner!!
Just'AintNuttin's Avatar
Such a good lil sub you are AE..........Now back to your corner!! Originally Posted by Ms. Athena
That so turns me on feeling like I am your bitch.

Thank You Mistress.
houston_switch's Avatar
Many people are Leaders in public, but love to play DOM/sub in private.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Lost Girl is pretty reliable for a little implied girl on girl in each episode (the little Latvian sidekick is smok'in). The last episode one of the bad guys (dark Fey) showed up for an appointment with his Dom (who'd been "programmed" to kill him).

On SciFy and recommended.

TexEngnr's Avatar
This what I hoped for in this thread: mentions of BDSM observed in mainstream media. Observations of how BDSM is perceived, and are we moving to a place where BDSM is more socially acceptable?
I thought the show "Legend of the Seeker" had a pretty good rendition of a Dominatrix and the storyline was amazing, it has my seal of approval, here's a small taste...
LatexLover's Avatar
I thought the show "Legend of the Seeker" had a pretty good rendition of a Dominatrix and the storyline was amazing, it has my seal of approval, here's a small taste... Originally Posted by tsmistressmia
That is hot!!!
houston_switch's Avatar
WOW... even for cable that is way out there.... it's not your Mother's Cinemax....