Most Convincing Moaner/Screamer

Don't ya just hate the thought of a woman that just......lays there? Isn't it better when she's responding to the attention with some guttural gasps and moans? Do you prefer a woman that screams out and tells you how much she's enjoying the attention? But don't you feel a bit underwhelmed when you can tell it's all an act?

I'm not implying that every time you're with a Provider the reaction is authentic but, in your humble opinion, who convinces you each time that the reaction is genuine (whether or not it is or isn't a genuine reaction isn't the's who makes the experience feel very real)?
trynagetlaid's Avatar
If she rents 3 rooms, the one she's in and the ones on either side of hers, that's all I need to know!!!
Laci French

Chloe Marie
Guest091314's Avatar
Well thats not any fun to just "lay there"....there has to be some hip grinding, and whispering in the ear and the grab the sheets when it feels oh so good LOL. If you have an issue with "dead" providers COME SEE ME!
Michaela...I can hear her now.
....there has to be some hip grinding, and whispering in the ear and the grab the sheets when it feels oh so good Originally Posted by alecia
Jade Lee
Sleepy363's Avatar
Sultry Sophie - I think we have woke the neighbors a time or two, so she gets my vote.
pmdelites's Avatar
If she rents 3 rooms, the one she's in and the ones on either side of hers, that's all I need to know!!! Originally Posted by trynagetlaid
most excellent!!!!

Well thats not any fun to just "lay there"....there has to be some hip grinding, and whispering in the ear and the grab the sheets when it feels oh so good LOL. If you have an issue with "dead" providers COME SEE ME! Originally Posted by alecia
and even more excellent, esp. cuming from a woman!!

trynagetlaid, was it alecia you visited that rented three rooms?? :^)
Mona is one of my favs! And don't PM either.
rachet3375's Avatar
I love it when they try & yank my ears off or push my head and then pull it back cuz they ain't done. Moanin is nice but, getting physical with me when I'm workin it, that't the ticket!
Well thats not any fun to just "lay there"....there has to be some hip grinding, and whispering in the ear and the grab the sheets .... Originally Posted by alecia
ALOT of the providers on this board, at least the ones I have seen, do "just lay there" or maybe, if you are lucky, you might get a "weak whimper" out of them every so often. But what is worse are the ones that "fake moan" and you know it, that is embarrassing more than anything else, fortunately, I have only had one provider that did that. Sure, you can use the money, especially in this economy, but if you cannot provide that "illusion of passion" which does involve moaning and "some hip grinding, and whispering in the ear and the grab the sheets" that MAY be, but not overtly faked, then you honestly need to find something else to do to make that money, IMO. We are all different, but most hobbiests would agree that they would like to feel as if they are the best BCD than any other guy and if they are clean, respectable and have the required donation for your time, then he should be.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
ALOT of the providers on this board, at least the ones I have seen, do "just lay there" or maybe, if you are lucky, you might get a "weak whimper" out of them every so often. Originally Posted by bigdog0311
Sorry to hear that. Sadly, you must not be seeing the right ladies.

~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 12-07-2010, 10:44 AM
I'm sorry... If a battery operated plastic boyfriend can get you off.. then a warm wet tongue should definitely do the trick... I know I sure has hell let out more than a whimper with my B.O.B...

I'm with you Elisabeth... where do they find these girls? *pouty face*