I have a question for hobbyist and providers

I hobby in west Texas and DFW area mostly. I have never written a review or made a post. Why is it that it seams that you find a provider that you like and have a great appointment so then you see her again and it isn't as good as the first time. Seems like 90% of the time I find myself disappointed or expected more than what happened.Would hobbyist and providers both please chime in
I doubt anybody can answer that question for you. I would think it gets better the more you see someone.
Just like the first time you "did it" -- the next time know a little more about what you're doing, and the next time a bit more...
GDLMAN's Avatar
Part of what makes this so much fun is the excitement of the first encounter. Fucking someone completely new is a turn on for most.
It always seemed to me like it got better every time. You figure out what each other likes, plus on the second date you can skip the chit chat and cut to the chase. I try and make it better at least. I like keeping regulars.
TheBizzer's Avatar
It all depends on what you're looking for. Some guys are looking for anonymous sex with strangers, while others are looking more for companionship and enjoy developing "relationships" with the women they see.

You have to figure out what you're looking for. Maybe it's the "sex with strangers" part that really gets you, which would take some of the excitement out of repeat visits.
elgato111's Avatar
Sometimes the more familiar you become with ATF that little spark from the first meeting starts to dim the longer you see her.

I have been seeing my ATF for over a year now and it seems to be better each time we meet simply because we know what we like and we enjoy the mutual pleasure. We have developed a "relationship" over this time that allows us to be at ease with each other, a little more than just someone on the first meeting.

But every now and then I see someone new just for the "newness" of someone unfamiliar, looking for that tense excitement of that first meeting.

It all depends what you want and what "turns" you on about seeing someone. We all have different ideas about this.
dodger's Avatar
I tend not to repeat. When I have, it's worked out fine.

But the lure of the new and different is strong. Seeing someone new, reading good reviews, saying, "I'd like to have that experience".

That being said, I have not been disappointed when I've revisited a provider. If I had more time and money for the hobby ... I'd probably repeat more often. But when opportunities are limited, I'm drawn to the different experience.
I dont know how to answer the question.

It always gets better for me, the first meet I am extremely nervous, the second time is better, and i've gotten to know what a gents likes, what makes him tick.
I thought that is how it worked...the better you know someone the better it gets.

Well, except those one night stands with a total stranger. Those are pretty damn hot! Probably wouldn't be as hot the second time around. hehe!
It always gets better for me. I wish I had the time to see all of my previous contacts multiple times.
I cant tell you how many guys that see me say that every time they see me it gets better and better. I feel closer to them like and old friend. Easier to talk too and definitely easier to make out with because you already know all the places they liked to be kissed and touched.
Iaintliein's Avatar
I'm no expert (didn't even stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night). Could it be that you are either over-thinking this, or perhaps looking for something that just isn't there?

What I mean is that instead of immersing yourself in the moment, you're thinking about last time and doing a blow by blow (pardon the pun) comparison in real time. Or, you are looking for a bond that goes deeper than commercial sex? If either of these are the case, the only advice I'd have is relax, let yourself believe in the fantasy, but never, ever forget that it is just a fantasy.

Good luck, be safe.
I had an appt yesterday with a girl I saw a short time back. The last time was fun or wouldn't have gone back. I get there, we take off our clothes, she didn't even have make up on this time, we get started and she says, I forgot to tell you " I smoke pot" " it makes me lazy". Just shit like that and I left early. It seems they see you once, get comfortable with you, act like they don't have to put any energy into it. It gets a little frustrating! This isn't the first time I have felt like this about a provider.
Wow birdiemaker, that really stinks and I'm sorry that happened to you.

I would venture to say that my repeats are still having a good time...they keep coming back again and again!

I LOVE being comfortable with someone! It just makes for a MUCH better time in my old opinion.

I hope you find what you are looking for and/or whatever floats your boat.