Okay you guys

I have been in this hobby for 15+ years and a few years ago I had started reviewing, be it Indy reviews, SC reviews, Massage reviews, ect. Over this time, I have gone to see a provider and more times than not, the next time I go to see said provider, she tells me that guys with access to the review boards and printing out the review, copy/paste the ROS of her and emailing, even calling or texting her about the review and how he wants "that kind of service" and is demanding about it. First off, if she is an independent provider and advertises she does "full service" and all the "bells and whistles" that accompany that, great, she SHOULD do that and YMMV should not even be in the discussion, as you, the hobbyest, have the "time donation", pass her screening requirements and are a gentleman with good hygiene.

As far as massage girls go, they do not "advertise" or tell you they will do topless, L1, L2, ect., (not talking about body rub girls or the ladies that actually advertise on this site). These ladies are, and should be, YMMV. Now there are many ladies that have seen and received "extras" that did not happen the first time I saw her, and they have asked me if I know about this and other adult review sites and I tell them yes sometimes, but most of the time I tell them no, and they told me not to do any type of review on her please, and I respect her wish. I never knew what the "hang-up" was with doing a review till this past year on this site. I have done reviews on some the girls I have seen, but again, not ones that requested me not to, and then I call them back to set an appointment and she tells that that several guys text/call her and demand that she do the "extras" I put in the review and some say they are not even interested in the massage, they just want _______. So I get my ass chewed by her, because she may or may not do the things she did for me for everyone, but it should be her decision based on her comfort level as well as other factors.

I will not go into the SC part. So I said all this to let you know that I will no longer do reviews of these massage girls, even if they want me to, I will do an occasional SC review, definitely not every time I go, but I will do a FS Indy review when I see one.
coven's Avatar
  • coven
  • 01-09-2011, 02:10 PM
It's too bad that a few who can't keep their mouths shut about ROS ruin things for the guys that can.

I am right there with you BD. I'm new to this site, but I worry about the same thing. I'm a massage guy also, and it's not quite as cut and dry as others. I have quite a few that I would like to review to help both the therapist (new business), and the fellow massage enthusiast (known entity). However, I worry that others wont "earn" the perks that I earned by just being a good guy, and will ruin it for me and others in the future.
CenterLock's Avatar
I totally agree, coven.

Before you do the review, you could ask the provider if any of the activites that took place were YMMV so you can either note that or leave it out.
Horsemancummeth's Avatar
I have a select few massage ladies I see.I dont do reviews because of this exact thing.I have built up a relationship with them and it has paid off in the sessions I get.I do here all the time about guys wanting extras for next to nothing.There is always going to be a few that screw it up for the rest of us.As far as strip club reviews.I am still on the fence with that. I have also built up a few relationhips over time.Even though most of my acivities are outside the club.I had one go out of town with me to a christmas party and stay the night.We had a blast and it wasnt business.But there are times I just take them out to dinner, it doesnt always have to involve sex.I am getting to the age where I like companionship a lot more.Its nice to have a pretty lady by your side and to just go and have fun.So needless to say I dont want to screw it up with a review and then someone going and asking for favors.They can do what they like with anyone they want.I just let it be YMMV for them and the guy. I do enjoy your reviews Bigdog and you have been very helpfull to me in my hobby fun.
Thank you, Horseman, and I appreciate you introducing "C" to the board I have had a number of sessions with her!
flexywun's Avatar
YMMV or not i think it sux that guys will use another guys review (ROS) with a provider. it is ROS for a reason. yeah i know, assume it will be seen but still. use the ROS to get an idea on expecations and use your own game to get the experience you want. i always assume some YMMV, its human nature.
don't blame bigdog for not wanting to write reviews now and when it happens to me i might be the same way. come on MAN.
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
it's not just the massage girls. amp girls have to put up with this shit all the time. guys coming in and telling them they read they do this and this and this... and expect them to just do it. funny thing is if those losers/douchebags just kept their mouths shut and were genuinely nice guys... they would probably get all they wanted anyway. and in a much friendlier environment. sucks that girls have to put up with that shit.

Just today, I went to a MT that I have seen a few times and she told me, "No more reviews please", as a few guys from here had texted her forget the massage and that they just want the "extras". She even told me that a "friend" of hers had read her my review over the phone, she got really embarrassed, but she did not deny any of it. I just wish these mofos would grow up around here, I know it will not happen, so that is why the massage reviews have ended from me. I would love to know who they were, so I could say to them, "Is that the best you can do? Do you have no gumption to be a gentleman and maybe the extras would come to you? Are you that desperate?".......Well, wait, I think I did just say that to them!!
Horsemancummeth's Avatar
Your very welcome BD.C is a blast and a lot of fun to party with. We need to get together sometime and visit Cab North or Bucks. Feel fre to pm me and maybe we could have a few beers and some nice conversatin while taking in the scenery.
I'm not on here to shit on anybody's idea of how stuff works, but I always thought that everything is YMMV, nothing in this life is guaranteed, and yes it sucks, but that's just how I think of it. You are paying for the time. Activities are just what she usually offers. And it's not about what you ask for, but how you ask for it. These women aren't pieces of meat. And if she advertises something and doesn't want to do it when she's with you, then you always have the option of paying for the time used and leaving with the rest. When I meet someone new I never know how things will end up, but then again I like surprises. Specially when there's just LOTS of chemistry.

I can totally see why you don't want to write reviews. I feel for you and I wouldn't either man. I always seem to get annoying dudes with NO posts, NO reviews, or NO Premium access emailing me questions about my review. So they get NO response back.

Anyways, I just want to say thanks for taking the time to write reviews, don't let this stuff get you down, you are also helping out the good guys here.
dodger's Avatar
I totally agree, coven.

Originally Posted by CenterLock
+1 ... it's happened and I do leave it out of the review. Only once was I asked to leave something out ... and I did (don't PM)

I regard the reviews as an opportunity to share info so folks can sort out who they want to see. There's no point including info which doesn't support that. Besides ... I may want her to do it, again!
I'm not on here to shit on anybody's idea of how stuff works, but I always thought that everything is YMMV, nothing in this life is guaranteed, and yes it sucks, but that's just how I think of it. You are paying for the time. Activities are just what she usually offers. And it's not about what you ask for, but how you ask for it. These women aren't pieces of meat. And if she advertises something and doesn't want to do it when she's with you, then you always have the option of paying for the time used and leaving with the rest.... Originally Posted by ThinWhiteDuke
This is a totally different subject..............
I agree with you on massage ladies, but FS providers that advertise they do A, B, C, D services for X time donation and you have the proper donation, clean hygiene, ect. and she pulls the YMMV and does only A and B for whatever her rationale is, then you should get some of you money back, (ain't gonna happen tho), and/or a no recommendation review needs to be written, (rarely happens).
I totally agree, coven.

Originally Posted by CenterLock