Date: 6-16-2017
User ID:: 323222
Phone: 4694756148
URL / Website: NONE
State: Arkansas
Address: MY HOME
Appointment Type: Outcall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: Yes
Session Length: -
Fee: 200
Hair Length and Color: BRUNETTE DYED LONG
Age: -
Smoking Status: -
Ethnic Background: -
Physical Description: -
Recommendation: No
biomed1's Avatar
Moved to Co-Ed Discussions to Provider Provider the Opportunity to Share Her Side Of The Story.
I'm sorry but I have been waiting all day to see what the provider has to say so I could share my experience. I saw playboy86 about 1 1\2 years ago. He called and wanted me to come to Bryant and see him. I was home in PiNe Bluff and told him there would be a travel fee. I quoted a price and if course he didn't want to pay that. So the PM's and constant back to back calls started. Finally we agreed on an amount. I try to come to town as much as I can so I just thought I could make an evening of it in NLR. Now I believe this is what may have happened with this lady. When I arrived we went back to his room. Right away he wanted to start playing. I asked him where my roses were and he pointed to the table and immediately grabbed me and started back up. I saw the money so I made the dumb decision to not go count it first. Then while we were "playing" something happened and I was no longer a provider but a CNA. I won't go any further on that. After I helped him get cleaned up I went to get my money and boom it was only one hundred dollar bill. I turned around and said oh hell no. Not after what I have been through tonight1! First he tried to say I pocketed the other 150. I told him he knew better than that then he admitted that was all he had. He promised to pay me on our next visit in 2 weeks. Well he called me a week later saying that he had found religion and was no longer going to hobby. I told him I still expected him to pay me the 150 of course for about a year I heard nothing frohm him. Then it came to my attention that he was hobbying being again and telling these new ladies that he was new to hobbying that's why I had no references. So I messaged him and told him I will tell them that you're not new and you also owe me $150. Then he makes an appointment with me for tonight two weeks ago I have received numerous PM's back-to-back phone calls asking me do I do Greek can I send him a pussy pic blah blah blah. So he calls me and leaves a message that he can't see me on Saturday night so don't show up after I'd would not answer his 1500 question of the day in a Time manner he thought I should. I messaged him and told him you still owe me a hundred fifty and I will be alerting the other ladies of this and of some other things that went on a year-and-a-half ago. he message me back and apologized and said I'm sorry I forgot I had lined up an appointment with another lady. Are you kidding me we've been talking about this for 2 weeks now. I really hope that I will hear from Vivian star soon I would really like to hear her side of the story. Personally I believe that she probably showed up he gave her $100 and she walked out with $100 just for her trouble. That's what I should have done Not only was that jipped out of my money but I had to act as a CNA. Y'all know on this board I do not like to get involved in drama but this is not something that I could turn my back on.
I can't identify with the shorting that took place on your appointment, Casey… because he never made it that far with me. It only took a couple of PM's for me to realize that he was a very pushy, disrespectful hobbyist. From his insulting bartering attempts to his constant, needy 'answer me right now' attitude over the silliest of questions... It didn't take me long to block him.
I can't identify with the shorting that took place on your appointment, Casey… because he never made it that far with me. It only took a couple of PM's for me to realize that he was a very pushy, disrespectful hobbyist. From his insulting bartering attempts to his constant, needy 'answer me right now' attitude over the silliest of questions... It didn't take me long to block him. Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
I have heard from the provider everyone needs to hear her side. Exactly what we thought. LADIES STAY AWAY FROM THIS GUY. He never has the correct donation never.
I can't identify with the shorting that took place on your appointment, Casey… because he never made it that far with me. It only took a couple of PM's for me to realize that he was a very pushy, disrespectful hobbyist. From his insulting bartering attempts to his constant, needy 'answer me right now' attitude over the silliest of questions... It didn't take me long to block him. Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
You know I am going to have to get thick skinned. I should have not ever seen him. What a nasty bastard.
Always two sides to the story but pretty brazen for him to post given what, apparently, went down. Sorry if I am stupid but what is CNA.
JohnBlack's Avatar
Always two sides to the story but pretty brazen for him to post given what, apparently, went down. Sorry if I am stupid but what is CNA. Originally Posted by Rockydoc
Rockydoc... it's not stupid question if you really don't know and the answer could potentially be may things; which is possible given the information given.

I believe I know what a cna on this case; (certified nursing assistant), however I'm curious as to the details regarding this particular encounter. Lol. What exactly happened that she had to "clean him up"??!???!???
Always two sides to the story but pretty brazen for him to post given what, apparently, went down. Sorry if I am stupid but what is CNA. Originally Posted by Rockydoc
Not stupid sorry I didn't expand. Certified Nursing Assistant. I got so upset because of how I was treated as well as other woman. I also defended him because of his "extenuating circumstances" only for him to use it as a tool too try and manipulate me and the other ladies. He has blatantly lied on this review. I can't make her post her story. I guess I got to upset.
BBWDeAnna's Avatar
Spoiler Alert: some ain't gonna like this!

The hobbyist in question: Frankly his tactics are known and well documented for any and every provider to discover if they just research. He is a known problem who shorts ladies more times than he pays the correct amount, creates frankly undesirable and potentially unsafe situations/scenerios for any lady that agrees to see him. This fact is hidden nor hard to find out yet ladies still see him and try to justify it. He calls, YES even me..he calls and harasses you, blows your phone and voicemail up, email, PM's any available avenue you make known he hits it constantly. Personally I wouldn't send my worse enemy over to see him, I didn't respond to him for the longest and then finally told him to shut the fuck up and quit contacting me..DeAnna don't play that shit. Does he have some circumstances beyond his control..YOU BETCHA..does he use those to gain sympathy and potentially manipulate ladies..FO SHO...however..i say again, its not a secret, some even try to see him repeatedly expecting different results..Ladies have to simply for fucking once say NO and quit seeing him..I don't give a shit what bill is due, what he says or promises..It don't make 2 shits if he says he will prepay the full amount (more on that in a minute)..I would NOT see him period. He is a problem who when he doesn't get his way will make threats, will bug you more, will elude to the fact he may "ruin" you on the board..

That said..providers need to quit playing the victim #1. #2, providers need to quit listening to other providers that encourage them to go against their natural tendancy to start drama.

Here is the deal..99% of the time hobbyist can only do to providers what we allow... If we get shorted, we allowed you say? yep..whether its because we normally check the money and we didn't or because we "trusted" someone..whatever.. we allow ourselves to be fucked with. Money..or the need for it often times trumps all logic and reasoning and makes ladies do funny things. I.e ladies will agree to travel long distances or abnormal distances and wave fees or lower rates and then when the shit don't go right want to play the victim.. fuck..instead of giving in, stick to your guns, turn the damn job down and be steadfast in your rules and regulations that are required to see you. Thats for all women...If a guy is willing to attempt to "talk you down" on your rates he has a tendency already once you agree to "this deal" or that deal or wave this fee or that fee because as any provider will say they are just trying to treat the guys good.. are trying to make a buck and seal the we compromise ourselves by giving in...then the bullshit starts when we show up, the not following rules, not respecting time, trying bareback..whatever it may be.. but the hobbyist tries it because he figures you gave in might we set ourselves up to unneeded hassle and stress just because we either fail to see the signs or choose to ignore them due to needing money.

does it make what the hobbyist is doing right? FUCK NO..PERSONALLY any hobbyist that ask for a deal I laugh at in private and encourage them to see one of the other fine ladies in arkansas who will see them(hey guys how many of you heard that line in the last year from me..yeah lmao)..But any asshole who feels the need to waste my time seeking a deal, waste my time asking gotta nip that shit in the bud and either they are booking or they ain'...Thats where all this flirting and bullshit gets ladies in trouble..guys expect that shit constantly they don't realize its just a ploy women are using to get the business..they don't wanna deal with the bullshit leading up to the date, they just wanna talk all sexy, share pics and stories etc to get your biz

As far as all the other rhetoric and responses..look if someone gets burned for 150 bucks a year gotta let that shit go..and damn sure not even think about booking with him a second time..don't make a shit if he promises double your rate(see my point about wanting money trumps all logic)..and if i even thought about giving a guy a second chance he would have to prepay in full..and damn sure add on the amount he owed too. Fact is shit happens, its not right, its not fun, its not fair, but as women, as the ladies needing the money..we can't let ourselves loose sight of reason and logic in order to make that money..and hopefully instead of being heated and pissed off, some can step back and see what im saying.. We as providers can only be victims if we allow ourselves to be..I don't count money (i think its unprofessional and tacky)..nor do i ask for it or require it up front..i don't ask for envelopes or cards, nothing..from the business side, when services are rendered he is free to pay..quite frankly at that time if he chooses to short me, run out the door without paying etc..then so be it, he needed that money worse than i did..i can't sweat or stress about 15yrs I have never been shorted..knock on wood.. but I also don't engage in bullshit and flirting, and deals etc it is what it is..

As far as going above and beyond and this CNA stuff....she stepped up where many would not, but you didn't post about it when it happened, you didn't alert anyone at the time(a year ago)..and you even tried to see him again after all that, so to use that against him as your argument seems a bit off.. sorta the fool me once shame on you..fool me twice shame on me.. you shouldn't have seen him the first time as info as to his actions has been published forever, and you certainly shouldn't have a 2nd time if he shorted you and it was so awful what you had to do for him..

so there you have it..bitch and flame away, the hobbyist is a jackass and trouble for any girl that agrees to see him, the provider in question based on what I know did what any reasonable human being would have done given the extreme circumstances..and she probably is and has handled it better than most all things considered.. you can't put someone into the situation she was and expect and dash it certainly was not and anything that happened was brought on by the hobbyist.

im not backing guys that are douchebags an short ladies and shit..but im also not supporting ladies who allow themselves to be taken advantage of then want the white knights to think they are a let money cloud our judgement then want sympathy..there is a difference
biomed1's Avatar
Time for EVERYONE to Step Back from the keyboard.

IF you wish to opine on the Hobbyist that brought this issue to the board - START YOUR OWN THREAD.

This thread was moved to the CO-ED Discussions to permit the Provider the Opportunity to refute/dispute the review and offer her side of the story.

The Provider would not have that opportunity in the Review Forums.

Ladies, IF the OP is a problem or troublesome Customer - Verified Providers have several sections of the board that are for the "Ladies Only" where this information can and should be shared amongst yourselves.
I apologize. Upon receiving a PM from Biomed I realize that some ( not) all posts here I was so upset that I thought I was responding in another forum in another thread. As always I need to stop breath and stay away from posting anything ever!!!!
bluffcityguy's Avatar
I believe I know what a cna on this case; (certified nursing assistant), however I'm curious as to the details regarding this particular encounter. Lol. What exactly happened that she had to "clean him up"??!???!??? Originally Posted by JohnBlack
Given what a CNA does in her/his day to day work, I don't think it takes much imagination to figure out what is meant by having to "clean him up" (I'm guessing it involves "#1" or #2", as they are sometimes euphemized). And I'm sure you deduced from Casey's narrative that it wasn't at all pleasant...


BabyDallass's Avatar
CNA= cleaning nasty asses lol

I'm sorry that happened to you, it happened to me before with a known guy on eccie as well. Only and last time it ever happened, he tried to say I took the donation too, after I called him out on being short.... sucked
  • MrGiz
  • 06-19-2017, 03:21 AM
PB86 sounds like a Paper Douche Bag to me!