Got to love Bernie...

TheDaliLama's Avatar
You respond to a real point with idiotic humor. That's the republitard way.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
You respond to a real point with idiotic humor. That's the republitard way. Originally Posted by WombRaider
The point is spot on but you are just too stupid or too stubborn to see it.It's how socialism works you Puking pottle-deep pignut. But your response is predictable...that's why you are undercunt.

Isn't that true undercunt?
The point is spot on but you are just too stupid or too stubborn to see it.It's how socialism works you Puking pottle-deep pignut. But your response is predictable...that's why you are undercunt.

Isn't that true undercunt? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
woomby bets defensive over his socialist hero being shown for the buffoons that they are and when woomby's welfare funds are challenged !! woomby might have to work some extra shifts down at the 'holes if that happens !
woomby bets defensive over his socialist hero being shown for the buffoons that they are and when woomby's welfare funds are challenged !! woomby might have to work some extra shifts down at the 'holes if that happens ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
How is someone working 40 hours a week considered welfare?
The point is spot on but you are just too stupid or too stubborn to see it.It's how socialism works you Puking pottle-deep pignut. But your response is predictable...that's why you are undercunt.

Isn't that true undercunt? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
You're clueless. How does someone working full time qualify as welfare or socialism? He's simply saying that if you work full time, you should be able to support yourself. I thought capitalism rewarded hard work? Only certain hard work, right? Whatever the 'market' will bear, right?
How is someone working 40 hours a week considered welfare? Originally Posted by WombRaider
Working on your knees for "40 hours a week " for unreported cash down at Talleywackers and your franchise 'holes while STILL leeching off the welfare system, is that about right woomby. Plus we all know how, with your love for "ropey load" facials, that you're doing MORE than 40 hours a week !
Working on your knees for "40 hours a week " for unreported cash down at Talleywackers and your franchise 'holes while STILL leeching off the welfare system, is that about right woomby. Plus we all know how, with your love for "ropey load" facials, that you're doing MORE than 40 hours a week ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Get real, you fucking moron. Have you got a fucking brain in your head? We're talking about real people who work an honest day and are not rewarded for it. Enough with the gloryhole bullshit. It's run its course.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Yeah, I had to go back and look. NBK missed the point again (his ass can't say the same). People working 40 hours a week should be paid....what they are worth. Some people have to work two jobs and more hours to make ends meet. Other people have skills that are in demand or a work ethic that pays off. That is the salient point that goes over NBK's head. Not every job is worth a living wage. According that logic a school teacher and a doctor should be paid the same except that one molds minds and the other saves lives, one went to school for four years to learn to teach and the other went to school for eight years. Should they be paid the same? Not likely.
Another point, the one that DL tried to make, is that people like Bernie want to give money to people who have done nothing to earn it. Just a little taste of the hypocrisy of the leftwing philosopher.
Get real, you fucking moron. Have you got a fucking brain in your head? We're talking about real people who work an honest day and are not rewarded for it. Enough with the gloryhole bullshit. It's run its course. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Still angling for MORE money from the government for your "community service" down at the 'holes , huh woomby !!!
lustylad's Avatar
Enough with the gloryhole bullshit. It's run its course. Originally Posted by WombRaider

Sorry sperm burper, it doesn't work that way.... you don't get to tell US when anything has "run its course". That would be like you trying to tell your customers down at the 'holes when to stop coming in your mouth or shooting those "ropey white loads" all over your ugly libtarded mug.

It's how socialism works you Puking pottle-deep pignut. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

Undercunt is a PPP - a puking pottle-deep pignut! Lama nailed it!

Budman's Avatar
You're clueless. How does someone working full time qualify as welfare or socialism? He's simply saying that if you work full time, you should be able to support yourself. I thought capitalism rewarded hard work? Only certain hard work, right? Whatever the 'market' will bear, right? Originally Posted by WombRaider
Here's another chance for you to tell us what constitutes a living wage? Put a number on it. If you work 40 hours a week what is the minimum you should be paid? I know you're a racist lying coward and are to chicken shit to actually put numbers to your ideas. Come on WR, man up for once in your life or are you to afraid of coming across as a total buffoon like you did in the CEO pay discussion.
Sorry sperm burper, it doesn't work that way.... you don't get to tell US when anything has "run its course". That would be like you trying to tell your customers down at the 'holes when to stop coming in your mouth or shooting those "ropey white loads" all over your ugly libtarded mug.

Undercunt is a PPP - a puking pottle-deep pignut! Lama nailed it!

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Go fuck yourself, you unflushable turd. I'm a lot of things, ugly ain't one of them, shitheel. I'm pretty, goddamit.
Here's another chance for you to tell us what constitutes a living wage? Put a number on it. If you work 40 hours a week what is the minimum you should be paid? I know you're a racist lying coward and are to chicken shit to actually put numbers to your ideas. Come on WR, man up for once in your life or are you to afraid of coming across as a total buffoon like you did in the CEO pay discussion. Originally Posted by Budman
Why don't you put a number on it, cocksucker? I man up every goddamn day, you stuttering buffoon. It's TOO chickenshit, since you like pointing out shit.

I didn't come across as a buffoon. They make too much. Look at the comparisons from country to country. It's a fucking embarrassment. 475 to 1? Jesus Christ. The market will sort it out though, right?

Here's the bottom line; if you work 40 hours a week, you should be able to support yourself without any government assistance. See, that's the problem with you dumbasses. You don't want to pay them on the front OR the back end.
Budman's Avatar
Why don't you put a number on it, cocksucker? I man up every goddamn day, you stuttering buffoon. It's TOO chickenshit, since you like pointing out shit.

I didn't come across as a buffoon. They make too much. Look at the comparisons from country to country. It's a fucking embarrassment. 475 to 1? Jesus Christ. The market will sort it out though, right?

Here's the bottom line; if you work 40 hours a week, you should be able to support yourself without any government assistance. See, that's the problem with you dumbasses. You don't want to pay them on the front OR the back end. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You seem angry. You shouldn't take a hooker board so seriously.

You said CEO's should only be able to make a maximum of 12 times what their lowest paid employee makes. That statement alone makes you a stupid buffoon. Now you refuse to say what a living wage is yet you continually say we need a living wage. Come on boy, try and be a man just once. You said it now back it up with a number.

Compare us to other countries. Really? This is still the greatest country in the world. I know that must just chap your wetback ass since you and your ilk have been trying to destroy it for years.