Coming to Albuquerque. Need info. :)

Hi there! I'll be visiting the Albuquerque area in a few days. I was hoping I could get some advice on area(s) to stay, and which to avoid. As it will be my first time visiting your fair city, any info on things to do and see would also be greatly appreciated. Please feel free to PM me if you feel uncomfortable about advising on specifics in public.

Looking forward to meeting some of you! Hopefully my visit goes well and I can spend more time in your area next time I come though.


Caroline Davenport
Midtown near the mall is probably best. Centrally located with nice hotels and lots of nearby restaurants
Sorry uptown not midtown
Thank you so much for the response, manmad. And those who PM'd and emailed me. I truly appreciate your assistance. I can't wait to arrive and get acquainted with your city.

