Janie Bird-Retired

Not sure if I'm posting this in the right forum or not but I thought I would give everyone a heads up that Janie is retiring for now. Not sure how long it will last. According to her she's retiring because she's, "making some lifestyle changes due to an unexpected family situation." What a shame, she was one of my ATFs.
Gah too bad I was gonna try and see if she'd be available for my first encounter!
Desertdog's Avatar
I always wanted to meet Janie
i heard a lot of great things about her but I always got her voice mail when I'd try to call her :-(
She UN-retired for this weekendhttp://albuquerque.backpage.com/Fema..._-_-23/4713144
So you better act quickly. I bet she shows up from time to time, very few that are in the hobby retire for good. Case in point less than a month later.....LOL I just read her last ad, now its more than the weekend.