Excellent Discussion of the Danger of Obama

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I guess a movie is coming out this summer, called "2016". Looks interesting.

Af-Freakin's Avatar
just ignore that troll CreepyOldLoser so hell go away. besides, its time 4 the nurseaid 2 change his Depends. LOL!
joe bloe's Avatar
If you haven't read Dinesh D'Souza's book "The Roots of Obama's Rage" I highly recommend it. It makes a convincing argument that Obama has told us in his autobiography exactly what motivates him. His motivation is the "dreams from his father" a socialist/Marxist and hater of western civilization. Obama's father hated Great Britain which ruled over Kenya during his childhood. Obama sees America as the moral equivalent to Great Britain. He believes our wealth is not deserved. He intends to bring us down and punish the country for our greed and arrogance, just as his father would have done given the chance.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The movie is based on that book.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I seldom go to the movies, I do not like to support the Hollywood agenda but that is one I will more than likely get someone to take be to see..

I may even ger one of the 12 dollar popcorns and a 10 dollar dr pepper.
If you haven't read Dinesh D'Souza's book "The Roots of Obama's Rage" I highly recommend it. It makes a convincing argument that Obama has told us in his autobiography exactly what motivates him. His motivation is the "dreams from his father" a socialist/Marxist and hater of western civilization. Obama's father hated Great Britain which ruled over Kenya during his childhood. Obama sees America as the moral equivalent to Great Britain. He believes our wealth is not deserved. He intends to bring us down and punish the country for our greed and arrogance, just as his father would have done given the chance. Originally Posted by joe bloe
I haven't read that book or any parts of it. I believe thats just what were facing though. A president who claims he's an American but trully hates the premises this country was built on and it's people.
LovingKayla's Avatar
Watching the contrast between educated posters and the likes of.... Well that parrot thing is amazing. I'd be able to pick sides based on that alone. I'll see the movie for sure.
Af-Freakin's Avatar
Watching the contrast between educated posters and the likes of.... Well that parrot thing is amazing. I'd be able to pick sides based on that alone. I'll see the movie for sure. Originally Posted by LovingKayla

FatKKKayla u fat troll, i c u hauled ur lazy uneducated white trash azz back 2 the board 2 burn up more bandwidth. LOL! instead of posting, why dont u work on ur GED or take a walk 2 work off that fatazz. LOL! & no, i dont mean walkin 2 the mailbox 2 pick up ur guvmint check. LOL!