Government Funds Popeye Project

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yes, your tax dollars are now funding research into turning spinach into fuel. Don't they remember Popeye? You turn spinach into fuel by EATING IT!!

Your dumbass bureaucrats at work.

I suspect another 500 million bankrupcy soon.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Didnt learn shit from the corn to ethanol scam.
You do not burn your food.

One thing that making corn into ethanol did help was to drive up the price of a world wide food staple that affected some of the poorest countries around the world so much so that they rose up in rebellion against their leaders and now they have even worse leaders.
[quote=The2Dogs;2454555]Didnt learn shit from the corn to ethanol scam.
You do not burn your food.

Got to give you a "Amen Brother" on that one.