Been away for way too long.....

I've been out of the coast area for way to long and I've been missing my MS friends soooo much!!!

Thinking about coming over that way on a more regular basis once again and I was just wondering if there was any interest in me doing that?

fejac_lovr's Avatar
FWIW, everyone I've asked on here about who's the best for what I'm looking for has suggested YOU! Not taking anything away from those who made the recommendations, it was also mentioned that I bring a snorkel?? Lol
fejac_lovr's Avatar
Lea Madisson's Avatar
snorkel or any other underwater breathing apparatus!! She is awesome!


fejac_lovr's Avatar
I'll be like John Wayne when they had to remove 1 of his lungs..."Take em both doc, I don't need em. I'll grow gills & breathe like a fish!"
LOL...... too funny!!!

Awwww....... thanks Lea!! Love you too babe!!!
oh baby, you know i LOVE for you to bring your heinie over here, means more doubles
elcid180's Avatar
fejac just bring your rain gear it is like a torrential downpour. April will take good care of you.
DallasRain's Avatar
its gonna flood on the coast.....................
bluffcityguy's Avatar
I've been out of the coast area for way to long and I've been missing my MS friends soooo much!!!

Thinking about coming over that way on a more regular basis once again and I was just wondering if there was any interest in me doing that?

April Originally Posted by April Showers
Not to mention that you and I have talked about "meeting half way" in the past. I'm now in a position to make that happen.

I'll be in touch; in the interim try to figure out where "half way" between us is...

Missed ya! Welcome back!

