I was at Krogers the other day, buying some protein to replace what I'm always losing, ha ha. Of course I'm in the 15 items-or-less lane stuck behind some xxxxx with 30 items, oh I hate that! To occupy my time I scan the newstand rags. There's the usual bs about anglina jolie's marital problems or lindsay lohan's depression. Then my eyes flutter acoss this month's Cosmo. Yes, I'm not shamed to admit that I find Cosmo entertaining. There was a line on the cover entitled "untamed va-jay-jays" so I thought, mmmm, this looks intersting. You should see the looks I get when I reach for it and read it.
Very interesting. There's talk about the wide variety of jewelry and accessories you can get for yours. Thay even make make-up for it. Gives new meaning to the term lip gloss. The part I enjoyed most however, was the new/latest trend in "hair-styling". It appears that less women are shaving, more are letting it grow out, au naturel. Yes! I am not alone in my hair fetish.
Anyway, just wanted your ladies opinions on the subject.
Do you wear jewelry?
Apply make-up?
Allow the forest to grw untamed?