Going OD for your sex addiction... Over-Draft

slims099's Avatar
Yes, I said over-draft. Yes, I said sex addiction. Your bank account has XX dollars, you take out MORE than XX dollars for pussy, strip clubs, etc. Does it ever happen? My bank (B of A) just quit doing over-draft ATM withdraws. Which is GREAT for me in a way, but I can't get any "holla holla" 'til next friday when I get paid! How lame!!!

Hey, at least my bank account will be much bigger than it usually is on pay-day!! LOL. What banks still allow over-drafts??

Anybody else have balls enough to admit they have this problem? If so, PM me or respond on this thread. I wanna know who the real sex addicts are.
No pussy is worth $35 per OD...Add a trip to seven eleven or any other pending transactions and the OD fees alone could be more than the session.
berkleigh's Avatar

How sad!

You may need some help with some with your addiction and money management babe.
slims099's Avatar
Yeah, just thought I'd ask and see what the public thought. Others wont' admit they have a problem. Quite pathetic but I'm 100 times better than 3-4 yrs ago... gheez.