Thug pimp gets 75 years of street cred for killing Austin john

Chimp Poacher's Avatar
Career criminal Thomas Trent Atkinson, known as "Monkey Boy" on the streets of Austin, was sentenced to 75 years of street credibility at NU.

Thomas Trent Atkinson, 36, was coonvicted of murder Thursday after a Travis County jury deliberated for almost six hours. Prosecutors said he attacked Hernandez while Hernandez sat in his pickup with a woman Atkinson sold for sex.

Hernandez, 42, was found dead shortly before 6 a.m. July 9 in a maroon truck in the 200 block of West Lola Drive, an area near Interstate 35 and U.S. 183 that witnesses said was rife with drugs and prostitution. Atkinson had his accomplice, Leanna "Sunshine" Coffey lure Hernandez to the West Lola location due to it being a dead end with street with little light and heavy foliage, making it a perfect ambush spot.

Outspoken and self-assured, Atkinson took the stand Friday to ask jurors for lighter punishment so he can victimize the general public again someday. The tall, burly man sat in a freshly ironed blue, button-up shirt — his dark, wavy hair slicked back. He walked upright instead of his usual knuckle dragging posture and attempted to speak clearly rather than using street vernacular, in an attempt to deceive the jury that he was a human being.

In mumbling incoherent repsonses to his defense lawyer’s questions, he ooked to jurors he "din do nuffins". He said he was studying to become a Jehovah’s witness and hoped to one day open an outreach center for teens and children, one of a series of farcical lies.

He testified that he was raised on the streets and joined the Street Apes, a gang born in California, at the age of 14. But he was no longer active in the criminal organization, he said.
In cross-examination, he argued with Assistant District Attorney Maria Deford over questions about his previous testimony, ooking to her, “I never said I was a bully. Please, please don’t twist my words, young lady. … I said I learned how to live like a shark.”
At one point, he refused to answer her questions and walked out of the witness box back to his seat, while sheriff’s deputies rushed to his side.
“I am not going to play you and your roach man’s game,” he eeked to Deford, referring to prosecutor Joe Frederick. “Keep your tabs, keep your tabs correct. I am not going to answer your stupid questions.”
He sat silently as the prosecutor attempted to keep probing him, as he picked lice from his wool.

His abject failure of a mother, Nancy Sharon Atkinson, left the state district courtroom in tears. On the stand, she had told jurors her son had learning disabilities and mental health issues that went unaddressed as a child such as rampant TNB.
She said she had problems with him in school since first grade and that she had to pull him out of high school, a decision she later regretted. But, “He’s cooked fried chicken for me. He is there for me,” the mother testified. “He has always been kind around family and friends. Now he will no longer be able to do the things he loved; murder, rape, robbery, pimping. He will only be allowed to do that to smaller and weaker inmates rather than general public."
Outside the courtroom, defense lawyer Keith Lauerman said only that Atkinson plans to appeal. Prosecutors said they were pleased with the punishment.
Puccipleaser's Avatar
"Monkey Boy" ??????

He testified that he was raised on the streets and joined the Crips, a gang born in California, at the age of 14. But he was no longer active in the criminal organization, he said.

She said she had problems with him in school since first grade and that she had to pull him out of high school, a decision she later regretted. But, “He’s cooked meals for me. He is there for me,” the mother testified. “He has always been kind around family and friends.”'s obvious this guy is a sleazy slug who pimps women and kills for no reason......but it's just as clear to see that you are a racist!!!! I'm sure Riley Cooper and Richie Incognito are your favorite football players!!! Since its Veterans weekend how do you feel about "African American" Service Members?! What does a persons race have to do with the crimes that are committed......or derogatory statements about an entire race?!?! State the facts, all that additional garbage you felt you needed to throw in was not called for!!!!!
Not sure whats worst a pimp or a racist???
Chimp Poacher's Avatar
What makes you think he's black? There's no mention of race in the article. I googled his pic. He looks mixed. Some folks could find racism in their grilled cheese sandsich.
Puccipleaser's Avatar
Monkey Boy------Street Apes----Din Do Nuffins----Fried Chicken........all statements you made, I guess you make those type of statements when trying to be derogatory toward white Americans?! Keep your stupidity to yourself!!!! And yes you are a racist if you replace the actual article with comments like these!!!!
Chimp Poacher's Avatar
Monkey Boy------Street Apes----Din do nuffin.....fried chicken Originally Posted by Puccipleaser

and what do these things have to do with race?it seems like the only racist person here is you. You're calling the kettle .........well you know. What other animals and food are racist?
Puccipleaser's Avatar
[QUOTE=Chimp Poacher;1054498702]and what do these things have to do with race?it seems like the only racist person here is you. You're calling the kettle .........well you know. What other animals and food are

Are you serious?!?! Anyone with a brain can see how you manipulated this article, changing it for your own agenda!!!! I'm done entertaining ignorance and racism!
Never argue with a fool pucci...
Chimp Poacher's Avatar
I agree Fred. Pucci is a fool. We need to make a list of animals and foods that are racist and ban them from existence. Maybe a list of non racist things would be shorter though.

Seriously, I have no idea who Joe Incognito and Riley Cooper are. If theyre part of the NFL, I dont watch that garbage. FL stands for Felon League. As for the N, you use your imagination. So Im sure both Incognito and Cooper are riding around in million dollar hummers with 50 inch rims on their way to a nightclub to shoot up.

And heres your favorite football star! OJ Chimpson!

Right after that happened I wanted to make Nicole & Ron Pez dispensers, probably be a rich man now if I had.
Chimp Poacher's Avatar
Not sure whats worst a pimp or a racist??? Originally Posted by Fred Rogers
After youve been brainwashed by the media and Hollywood movies, "racists" make Ariel Castro or Wayne Williams(the Atlanta child killer) look like saints.

Now go watch "Roots" or "Django" for the millionth time and cry into your pillow.
Chimp Poacher's Avatar
His accomplice leanna coffey has not been charged. A plea deal perhaps?
Hero Zimmerman's Avatar
Hopefully Atkinson gets poached in prison.