Thank You Whispers

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Many thanks for all the hard work that you, THEGJ, and others did to put on the Christmas Party and the associated fund-raising for the kids. I'm sure everyone who attended the party had as fun a time as I did. Thanks also to the many women who donated their time to make this event a success.
sue_nami's Avatar
It was a great party and fun to see rocker rick get dunked in the dunk tank.
Thanks Whispers and Vicky for all the hard work!
Yes, thank you everyone who worked hard to make this happen. I had a great time and enjoyed meeting new people.
KissLover's Avatar
Awesome work
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Well, it's good ta hear e'erybody had fun. Earlier taday sumbody forwarded meh an email frum some aye-nonny-muss dipshit's gmail account, whar sum sumbitch said he KNEW that thar wuz a raid a-goin' ta happen at tha party. Sum such bullshee'yit 'bout how it wuz all a solicitamatashun o' prostimatushun an' an illegal lottery so tha hammer o' tha gods wuz all set ta cum down on it, tha raid wuz a done deal. An' this lyin' needledick bugfukker said he wuz an insider and knew whut he wuz a-flappin' hiz gums about. So tha person thet forwarded tha email asked meh if'n Ah thougth thar wuz enny danger.

Ah called ma good buddy, Greg "Rollin' Thunder" Abbot, an' he said, if'n ain't nobody gettin' nekkid an' gittin' busy on tha spot and ain't no dinero o' prizes goin' hand ta hand right thar, thet thar wuldn't be no way ta get no convictions. So Ah toldt tha person thet sent meh tha email, to go ahaid, jus' mind yer p's & q's.

Now, whutever y'all think o' ol' Whisperola, 'r whutever y'all think hiz motives are, thet's just sum gottdamm junior high school, bald-pube, lilly-livvered, cowardly, carpetbaggin', gutless, rat-fukkin' prank ta pull an' spread thet kinda bullsheeyit. Ah mean, if'n ya hate 'im thet much, grow a gottdamm pair o' cojones an' sprout a dick and take it up wif the fella, mano ah mano. Whoever it wuz, musta bin sum grudge-full jackass thet's dun crossed pork-swords wif ol' Whisperola on this h'yar board an' din't get tha best o' tha man so they decided ta piss on hiz parade as best they culd. So, Ah figger tha list o' tha usual suspects iz longer than an elly-funt's dick, fer shore. But Ah gots mah suspicions.

Now, who wants ta go get sum Crissmuss tamales wif meh? Gittin' all pissed-off dun werked mah appy-tite!
Reincarnated's Avatar
Yes thanks for what you did. I know the kids appreciate it !
Whispers's Avatar
Yes there was a party and the only negative thing that happened was RockerRick got dunked more times than he thought he would in the Dunking Booth! You can hate his board persona all you want, he's a great guy in person and everyone seems to enjoy him.

The Following folks need to watch their PM Box for a PM with some exciting News!

Captain Kremmen
Unico/Austin 911
uhaveme(yet again?)
uhaveme(yup again)

All the ladies of course but the Luckiest were

Jessie Austin
Scarlot Rossie

A Special Thanks to the Ladies that came. What an incredible group!

Rogue Gent, SquireTuck and KissLover should be hoping for a drop out in the first 28!
Thanks Whispers!
bulletbelt's Avatar
Good party, Thanks Whispers, Thegj, and Vikki for putting it together, and the invite. I hope the contributions met the needs. Good to meet all the fun people that showed.
universalenergy's Avatar
Thanks Whispers and Vikki. I had another good time and meet some more good people. Good food, good conversation and some very nice ladies contributing to a good cause.
Whispers's Avatar
Thanks Whispers and Vikki. Originally Posted by universalenergy
Vikki was my liasion with the ladies but my cohost and the guy that helped at all the dropoffs was TheGoodJames.... THEGJ

i hope hes having fun at the moment because im waking his butt up at 6am to go grocery shopping for dinners for the families we are providing for. 830am drop off.

actually.... knowing the lady he is with... i know hes having fun!
A special Thank You to Whispers and all of the team that put together the party this afternoon. Also thanks for your work and support of the local charities for those who need help at this time of year.

Best moment was seeing Rocker Rick hitting the drink, but only after a very smart lady found where RR (or someone) had fixed the platform to not collapse when she hit the target. Good fun and happy time for all, especially RR when he hit the water.

It sounds like a really fun time and I am so sorry I had to miss it. Thank you Whispers for the work and time you invested to make this all come together.

I came down with a cold/flu(?) yesterday and still feel like crap today - so I was really disappointed that I couldn't make it. Glad everyone had fun and dang it, I was REALLY looking forward to seeing RR get dunked. Oh well, I do have my imagination

Merry Christmas All!

It was so great to meet everyone!
What a great bunch of folks!!!

Thank you Whispers, for you hard work and dedication.
Thank you for lunch & letting us be a part if the fundraising effort.
You do good work!

Thanks to the team that made it all possible...
Sponsors, hosts, girls
I could not get out of my responsibilities today, but will be seeing some of ya soon! I am conjuring up some type of reward for my dunking booth buddie and other generous peeps!

Now that this is over, I will have to find other excuses to follow Whispers around & dress up for him! You make me weak in the knees, lol.