Is anyone else haveing an Issue?

Attention if you have private messaged me and have not received a responce as soon as you get your read confirmation please email me dj.dramaticrubdowns@yahoo or call me please. This is the 3rd day in a row that I will click on read message it will open window saying the sender requested a read confirmation I hit ok then I go to either reply and then when I go to send it says I am not signed on it did that 7 times yesterday. I had someone wanting a 7p.m. however I had one schelduled so I tried 5 times to let them know I could not do it. Then my 7 canceled and so I tried 2 times to let him know he could come but nodice..ugh... so frustrating so I gave up and went to the crawfish festival fun fun. So anyway I am now trying to Private message them to confirm our original 3:00 and I can not pm him ugh.. So don't want to call any names out but you know who you are so please email me or call me I CAN NOT seem to get my private messages working it my send1 out of 5 with out booting me off.