Thanks to a special gent your opinions also

DallasRain's Avatar
I had a really awesome fun gent today do something really special for me....he gave me a greeting card related to Halloween and posted a nice message inside of how he knew Halloween is my FAVE holiday so he got me the card!

That was so very thoughtful of him!!

What are some special gifts or expressions of appreciation you have received or given in the hobby world???
Isn't it nice to feel like someone cares enough to do something nice that you didn't anticipate. I'm glad he was able to brighten your day with something that is meaningful to you. It's also nice that he proved to you that he feels the way many others do...that you are worthy of being appreciated and respected. I'm happy he made you feel good by showing his thoughtful ways.
  • leo57
  • 09-07-2016, 08:57 PM
Good for you Dallas and good for him too! You are certainly deserving of the friendship shown by that special guy doing a little extra for you. I'd like to think I am one of those that realizes that providers in the hobby are people too, that I treat them like ladies and in some cases ... real friends.

I know I am proud to say I know you, and the same is true with other ladies I have met here.

I met one special one lady here that I find myself doing little special things for, and I hope all the ladies here have a client like that to remind them they are special..... just as you have.

Thanks for being you Dallas, and Happy Halloween!!

DallasRain's Avatar
Thanks Relaxer & Leo..yall both have a special place in my heart & soul!

I have one gent from I have known a long long timer who made my lil grandman a wooden rocking horse when he was 2...and he still has that horse & rides it!!

I have a special gent in Dallas who has my ass with his name on it as his avatar...he & I share a special bond!

Then i have a very special gent in Houston who is "my sunshine" like no other!

I am very very lucky and blessed in this business!
StaceyMay's Avatar
That's so awesome and you def, deserve those friendships that you've helped to create.

I have received an unexpected gift as well and you already know what that was, and I am so glad to call you my friend.
DallasRain's Avatar
M Miss are a treasure and I luv having you as one of of my buddies
Makayla of Missouri's Avatar
I have one particular client who I met way back in the beginning, and I still talk to almost daily even though Uncle Sam has him in Hawaii now. He still sends me little things and remembers to send my kids cool pics of his adventures and things. He's a doll!!