More Internet Censorship!

I B Hankering's Avatar
It seems a blogger was doing a SEN Whitehouse number on another concerned party's yearbook ... it seems she was quite the party girl. However, unlike Whitehouse, this blogger's website with disconcerting evidence about the accuser was shut down.

The original yearbook website was also scrubbed and no longer available for viewing.

You can, however, Google the subject and get the gist of what WAS there.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
btw, I think we have to use a different search engine. tried it took me to the google page.

duckduckgo uses google search engine.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

this one saved that page knowing it would be scrubbed.
I B Hankering's Avatar
btw, I think we have to use a different search engine. tried it took me to the google page.

duckduckgo uses google search engine. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
In this instance, "Google" is a verb. Duckduckgo will get you there, too.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
This needs to get into the hands of Chuck Grassley.
I don't under stand how this wasn't exposed earlier.
The BITCH got some...splainin to do!!
That is incredible!!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

some more Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

for those who can't/won't log on to face book.

twitter has a better one of Ford. one drunk blasey and one comment where she talks about taking down gorsuch until merrick garland is appointed.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
This is fake news,/conspiracy theory/tabloid trash, whatever you want to call it. Plain and simple.

Just not ththe truth.

Right up there with quoting Alex Jones.

All it’s going to do is make those who think I little boy Kavanaugh is the saint he claims to be foam just that more.
Hotrod511's Avatar
This is fake news,/conspiracy theory/tabloid trash, whatever you want to call it. Plain and simple.

Just not ththe truth.

Right up there with quoting Alex Jones.

All it’s going to do is make those who think I little boy Kavanaugh is the saint he claims to be foam just that more. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Must be true it's got you foaming
This is fake news,/conspiracy theory/tabloid trash, whatever you want to call it. Plain and simple.

Just not ththe truth.

Right up there with quoting Alex Jones.

All it’s going to do is make those who think I little boy Kavanaugh is the saint he claims to be foam just that more. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yeah right...three links to three different sites...Gotcha
Where's her yearbook information...WIPED CLEAN...HUMMM
You got to do better then...conspiracy theory.
Please tell us what TABLOID TRASH this is got to do better than this!!
I always call you out on your CLAIMS and...CRICKETS
Proof please proof.... just provide "LINKS" to DEBUNK these claims!!
No Alex Jones links here.
Kavanaugh is not the one that lied here...the trollop was!!
I B Hankering's Avatar

this one saved that page knowing it would be scrubbed. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Someone is currently scrubbing that site. The enhancement feature for every page specifically related to this particular individual has been disabled; thus, leaving the text illegible and unreadable. Earlier this morning, that feature worked, and a viewer could read what was printed on those yearbook pages.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Why are you guys surprised?
Whomever runs any site can do whatever they want to that site.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Why are you guys surprised?
Whomever runs any site can do whatever they want to that site.
Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Most sites don't make themselves "disappear" unless coerced by outside agents with an agenda to stifle a message they don't want a wider audience to see.
lustylad's Avatar
This is fake news/conspiracy theory/tabloid trash, whatever you want to call it. Plain and simple. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Prove it. Put her high school yearbook back up online. Did anyone take down/disable the site to Kav's yearbook? I guess he has nothing to hide, no? So what is she hiding?

Thanks to dimotards, we now have a new standard for all future SCOTUS nominees! You have to be able to explain everything in your high school yearbook! Way to go, dims!

What will they come up with next? Will they demand every nominee must prove they can successfully chew gum, stand on one foot and rub their tummy-tum-tums all at the same time?
Sorry YR you lose. Again. The only fake thing here was Ford's story. She and all the Dems who pushed this crap should be looking at jail time.