Due to medical procedure...

Due to a medical issue/procedure i am dealing with, i will be unavailable until further notice....

SORRY for the inconvenience to ANYBODY who has tried to schedule with me, or who has and i had to cancel...

Hopefully things will go smoothly and i will be back to work ASAP!
BECAUSE i hate being off.....LOL

I will let everyone know WHEN im back, by posting an ad sometime in the near future.

ANYWAYS thanks for reading!

I hope all goes well for you! I'd love to see you sometime.
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
My goodness, I hope you are okay
Highball's Avatar
Get well soon!
cumalot's Avatar
I hope all goes well...
1bubba1's Avatar
Get well soon!!!
Wayward's Avatar
Thanks for the heads up and hope you are doing better soon rubyred you really are one of the class acts in town.
Darth Houston's Avatar
Get well soon sexy.
Get well soon.Hope everything works out for you.
Hope all goes well, good luck Ruby.
I hope everything goes smoothly, Ruby.
notanewbie's Avatar
nice going Justin, you broke our hooker.
EmilyofHouston's Avatar
Get well soon sweetheart!
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Best wishes & I hope you have a speedy recovery.
Best of luck to you......