been ripped off by Jules Jaguar

I was not going to write about this but was advised to do so I have gotten riped off by a girl from Dallas Jules Jaguar.

I will explain father I live in Florida and was talking to Jules about touring here and offered to pay for her flight and a weeks stay at Homested Suites and some cash exchanged for a weekend with me. Well paid for a one way because she wasn't sure when she wanted to go back and a week hotel.

I sent her 600.00 what that was for was 150.00 return ticket and 350.00 deposit and when we spent the weekend together I was going to give her another 650.00. She arrived on the 17Th got her at the airport and the next day took her to lunch gave her another 60.00 for spending money. I worked during the week and she did not answer my txt that night Called her Weds and she just bitched about not getting any dates and she found a dead roach in her room At that point I asked for a hour date for the money i sent her and he denied me saying we will get together Thursday for another board M&G

Picked her up Thursday Evening and on the ride to The M&G she would not talk to me just sat and txt At the M&G she networked and ignored me then left with Hot lips Houlhan and never told me I txt her and she ignored me I called and txted her Friday and once again she said she would call me shortly she never did went by Sat she was gone. I got her phone turned off.She got over 400.00 from me with no service that does not include flight and room

So be very careful with her and I know there is 2 side to a story but my side is truthful the facts are I paid for her flight room and advance her money did everything I said except pay her the remainer of money and that is because her atitude was bad and she would not naswer my calls or text I gave her cell service to help her and I to communicate before she arrived to get to know each other.. I have done this before with other providers and it always worked out before
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
All I am going to say is this is complete bullshit. I have posted a detailed alert in the ladies area and Provider Buzz, other women have come forward to say he has attempted this scam on them as well.

Truth is that I was the one ripped off scammed and lied to then stranded in a strange place with no food, payment, or ticket home. Lucky I have some great friends who helped me get out of the roach motel and a ticket home.

I am a respected member of this community and I have never ripped anyone off and I would never do anything to ruin my good rep here.

Ladies always get your money up front or at least half of everything before you travel somewhere for an arrangement. Even if they have been screened they can still rip you off.

Mike id like to hear from all of these ladies that you have successfully had out if state arrangements with because all the responses I have gotten were from other ladies you tried to scam here.
LazurusLong's Avatar
Unless the "other ladies" come forth and post their own stories, claiming there are others who got ripped off doesn't mean much.

Did he pay the airfare? Did he pay for your hotel?

As for the hotel, did you do your own due diligence and check online for the rating before the flight was booked and found it acceptable? Roaches are part of any southern state, hell Dallas has it's own fair share of bugs that some might get upset about, crickets to name just one that seems to freak most women out very badly. So, were the roaches crawling on the walls and floor or did you see one or two dead ones? Did you change rooms or try to change hotels? I know that the chain mentioned does a very good job of taking care of the guests when issues like this arise.

I might also ask how, IF there are all these other women posting about it, that you somehow didn't screen well enough to travel to another state and miss those alerts?

Not sure how he scammed you if he paid for your airfare and a week's hotel. Did YOU make an effort to advertise you would be in that city as much and in as many places as possible?
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Laz the alert is in the powder room and these ladies never came forward until I posted my alert.

He passed screening and gave me his personal information.

I posted my alert in the ladies section to prevent drama and or dog piles.

He has a medical condition that prevented him from working and or doing activities during my stay.

He did not disclose this prior to my arrival and he went back on several promises as soon as I arrived.

I was never sent 600 bucks... to this day all I received was $350 and that was a month before I arrived.

Name any other provider that will fly to another state for $350 total?

The agreement was that he would be seeing me in the evenings at a discounted rate and he would be spending the weekend with me. He then informed me that he was physically and financially unable to meet the agreement after I arrived.

These are the facts.

I have nothing further to say on this bogus alert because I am the victim here.
Jules I gave you 600.00 advance with receipt to prove it 350.00 for you and 150.00 for your return flight the last 200 coming the Sat before you left because you were not sure when you were going back either 7 or 10 days when you arrived I gave you another 60.00 that 410 advance took you to lunch Tuesday and texted you Tuesday afternoon to take you to lunch you told me you would call later and you never did. You knew I worked during the week and you were going to work I called you weds and all you did was bitch you knew what hotel you were staying at before you came and was ok with Homested Suites. yes you said there was a Dead roach and I do live in Florida.I asked for a session Weds and you decline me on Thurs I offered to take you to diner before the M&G and you decline again you left the M&G with Hotlips and never told me when I txt you and called you did respond until later saying you were buying hot lips a meal I text you Friday and you txt back you would call and never did.

The agreement was you were going to work during the week and I was going to spend the weekend with but you left. So you got 410.00 advance from me with no service render. That shows your ripped me off .How did I try to scam anyone if they never came to see me? Are you going to pay me back the money I advance you? You knew about me hurting my knee 2 weeks before you came and told you Friday before I rehurt my knee I could of done cowgirl with you anytime you denied me coming over
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Like I said this guy is full of shit and so is this bogus alert. I had a week of my time wasted and I am STILL stuck in Tampa until tomorrow. I had to pay for my own food, hotel, and ticket home so who got ripped off here? I was promised disney world, spa day, universal studios and shopping. When I arrived I was told that due to his medical condition that would not be happening.

I never knew what hotel I was staying in and yes I know I should have checked all of that before I left. Other gentlemen that have had me travel to them have always put me up in nice places and ive never had any issues, never would I have imagined this would happen to me.

Any appts I may have gotten here were an addition to what I was to be paid by bigmike1958... He did not hold up his end of the deal by seeing me each evening throughout the week.
Jules you knew I worked every evening until 11:30pm I told you we could do a wheelchair for Disney and You knew what hotel I got you 2 weeks in advance. Your the one who left the room early and never contacted me So how could I take you anywhere if I did not know where you were. When I asked to see you Weds and you said no and Thursday you left me at the M&G what was I to do So Stop lying and pay me back
sky_wire's Avatar
Nothing makes me want to puke more than WK’s rushing to the defense of a damsel in distress on these boards. With that disclaimer, Jules DOES have a pretty good rep here. Just saying….
Nothing makes me want to puke more than WK’s rushing to the defense of a damsel in distress on these boards. With that disclaimer, Jules DOES have a pretty good rep here. Just saying…. Originally Posted by sky_wire
I agree with you sky wire. I believe Jules ripped this man off in every way and form. Her story dose not match his at all. If he was really the one in the wrong she would have been on here already and said what happened but she didn't, hmmmmm. As far as her rep, shes been around less than a year. Her looks and attitude alone I wouldn't trust. Just me two cents.
sky_wire's Avatar
I agree with you sky wire. I believe Jules ripped this man off in every way and form. Her story dose not match his at all. If he was really the one on the wrong she would have been on here already and said what happened but she didn't, hmmmmm. As far as her rep, shes been around less than a year. Her looks and attitude alone I wouldn't trust. Just me two cents. Originally Posted by mikemile41
Mike, I think you disagreed with me.
Mike, I think you disagreed with me. Originally Posted by sky_wire
She needs to pay the man back.
This is not an alert. Moving to coed discussions.

For those deciding who needs to pay what, I don't see Judge Judy in the room. Unless you were there, this is a "he said, she said" situation.

Let's see the receipt signed by Jules, or hear from other providers who were allegedly scammed... Until then, all the wailing, moaning and gnashing of teeth proves nothing.

Jules Jaguar's Avatar
LOL my alert was posted wayyyy before this crap was, i alerted the ladies in a private forum to avoid this type of troll crap ... im sure someone ran and told him about it and he is doing damage control.

Ive been in contact with several people during this whole nightmare (before it was ever made public and every single one of them told me to get the hell out of the situation before it got any worse. I gave him until Friday to make good on the offer and when he didnt I ceased contact.

I dont owe him he owes me for wasting my time, slandering my name, and breaking our agreement. $350 is not enough to even book two hours of my time let alone a week of my time that was wasted. Unexpected expenses such as getting a ecent room and buying my own flight home. Like huck said this is not judge judy or peoples court. I dont see the need for this to go on any longer, he had his say and I had mine.

If you're still in Florida, you owe it to him to bang the shit out of him for a couple of days.
I agree with you sky wire. I believe Jules ripped this man off in every way and form. Her story dose not match his at all. If he was really the one in the wrong she would have been on here already and said what happened but she didn't, hmmmmm. As far as her rep, shes been around less than a year. Her looks and attitude alone I wouldn't trust. Just me two cents. Originally Posted by mikemile41
She needs to pay the man back. Originally Posted by mikemile41
So a second guy named Mike registers today just so he can post his support of the original Mike, and in the spirit of camaraderie, he does so in a similar broken and misspelled vernacular.

Seems perfectly legit to me, carry on.