Did you miss me ?!?!

RyleighParker's Avatar
Hey there, lovely people!
I'm giving this eccie thing another shot. Still finding it a bit confusing on my phone, but hey, whatever! Haha.
I have some amazing conversations about me on eccie, with nothing but praise. You can also check out my awesome reviews. I'm a blast to hang out with, and I've got a cute and fun personality.
Oh, and if you're not ready to meet yet but curious,
I'm not sure if I can share the actual URL here because eccie confuses the heck out of me. The rules are a bit blurry, you know? Haha!
I think I've covered all the bases, and I can't wait to make some new friends!

seasonedvet's Avatar
Welcome back!
joyote's Avatar
yes, I have missed you

your reviews are loaded with praise, but
most of it is in the ROS,
which is not viewable to providers

RyleighParker, you are a pure delight
Friendly, intelligent, reliable,
and oh so beautiful, inside and out
Great to have you back!
A great quality blast from the past. Welcome back Ryleigh!