I gotta pee...where should I go?? LOL

DallasRain's Avatar
James1588's Avatar

But Target is so, like, last month. According to the news today, this person will be using the ladies' facility at your local school. Good times!
DallasRain's Avatar
Lol yep....I still luv Target!
Get over it already.
James1588's Avatar
Over what should I get?
TheOtherMan's Avatar
Your prejudices, maybe? Bathrooms have stalls. Stalls have walls. Walls provide privacy. Who really gives a shit if you have an innie or an outie when you're using the shitter? Like do we really need to give the transgendered one more fucking thing they have to worry about?! Grow the fuck up with your cute snarky remark. You know damn well what you should be getting the fuck over. And to pull that shit in the one place on the board where we live and let live, just fuck off. Seriously. Fuck the fuck off, you bastard.
Good promoting thread.
  • boss1
  • 05-16-2016, 07:31 AM
Bathrooms have stalls. Stalls have walls. Walls provide privacy, according to you, it is ok for some sex predator to dress up in women’s cloths and walk in to a women’s restroom and rape a little girl, or a woman in one of the stalls you talking about. Who is the idiot here!!
DallasRain's Avatar
Geeeezzzzz I did not mean to start a "shit storm"....LOL....I just posted a graphic I thought was amusing! I apologize for any issues I caused.....let's just have fun here/this is supposed to be an open minded place more than anywhere on eccie!
Now lets spice it up by posting "kinky" related graphics and get pass this "bathroom" thing.PLZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!

All i say, if you go in women's, u better look like a woman......likewise for a man. Kids and adults should not be confused. I always taught my kids to look at sign out front, girl picture of boy picture and go to one like u.

Sore sad subject, bend the rules for minority .....just like against school policy to pray, talk about God, religious beliefs, but LGBT can form clubs and meet. And now we teach elementary kids about mommy and mommy and daddy and daddy.

tandyscone's Avatar
Bathrooms have stalls. Stalls have walls. Walls provide privacy, according to you, it is ok for some sex predator to dress up in women’s cloths and walk in to a women’s restroom and rape a little girl, or a woman in one of the stalls you talking about. Who is the idiot here!! Originally Posted by boss1
I'd say the idiot is the one who thinks that somehow current law deters sexual predators from entering women's restrooms.

Oh, and Dallas, please accept my apologies. You're right that we should be more laid back in this forum.
DallasRain's Avatar
It's cool.....
I am a very open minded kinda redneck gal......my southern Baptist strict upbring was so opposite of what I believe now!

I believe we as a nation get too riled up about the wrong issues!!.....Now I myself have no problem going to a restroom with ANY sex.....but I see where the issue comes in when a child is present..

I do believe the solution would be for people who don't want to choose which bathroom to use,would be to use the "family bathrooms"........You can go in there & lock the door behind you and have a "quiet,drama free pee"!!!
cowboy8055's Avatar
I'd say the idiot is the one who thinks that somehow current law deters sexual predators from entering women's restrooms.
Originally Posted by tandyscone
I agree. The restroom thing is being blown out of proportion. That can be resolved. The real problem will be with locker rooms and showers. You can maintain a level of privacy in restrooms. Not so much with locker rooms and showers. Figuring that out won't be easy.
Bathrooms have stalls. Stalls have walls. Walls provide privacy, according to you, it is ok for some sex predator to dress up in women’s cloths and walk in to a women’s restroom and rape a little girl, or a woman in one of the stalls you talking about. Who is the idiot here!! Originally Posted by boss1
Sounds like you win the big idiot prize today.

All i say, if you go in women's, u better look like a woman......likewise for a man. Kids and adults should not be confused. I always taught my kids to look at sign out front, girl picture of boy picture and go to one like u.

Sore sad subject, bend the rules for minority .....just like against school policy to pray, talk about God, religious beliefs, but LGBT can form clubs and meet. And now we teach elementary kids about mommy and mommy and daddy and daddy.

Confused Originally Posted by cum1more
You're not confused.
You're ignorant.
[B]Geeeezzzzz I did not mean to start a "shit storm"....LOL....I just posted a graphic I thought was amusing! I apologize for any issues I caused.....let's just have fun here/this is supposed to be an open minded place more than anywhere on eccie! Originally Posted by DallasRain

You post something stupid like that and you act all surprised that a shitstorm starts? Really? If you knew that this area is the only safe and open-minded realm in this redneck site then you should have known better.