Dog Ears?

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What is the deal with the dog's ears or tongues that the ladies are putting in their pics in their ads now days? I used to see them a lot more than I do now, but I've never asked about them til now. Is it because they think it's cute, or funny? Or is it to hide flaws? I'm curious ladies, enlighten us guys on this topic. I'm not bitchn about it, I"m just wondering why yall are doing it when it's not necessary. I would rather see what you look like with none of this, and I'm pretty sure, most of the rest of the guys feel the same way. Maybe to hide idenity, possibly?
I guess they think it makes them look cute. I cant stand that mess.
I think it’s a statement about the mentality of the people who choose to post a picture like that on stg. I don’t think there are a lot of Rhodes scholars on either side of this hobby, honestly... I mean no offense to anyone, it’s just my way to rationalize something I think is kinda stupid...
It is just another filter to change the look with the dog ears
The tongue hanging out to me has no sexual connotation at all but just shows lack of maturity and honestly makes the individual look rabid and dehydrated lol