Totally feeling violated and disrespected to he third degree and some.....

LehaLea's Avatar
Well guys I hate to say but I'm extremely hurt and disappointed in the situation I got dealt with today... ive never really had to second guess a guy that comes to see me or question weather or weather not my right donation has been put to the side. [I]I look at this site as a safer and site that has a lot of class and where the most that I see and we other providers see have some kind of trust and mutual understanding. I had a scheduled appointment with Cherry09 today and had been pre arranged and time and donation was already discussed and agreed upon. As usual the donation is placed in plain view and as always I do not touch it and don't act is if I need to back track especially with most referenced guys on here. I don't like to make a guy feel odd or like I think he cheated me I like to gain a friend and have fun at the same time and make sure that we are bth at a comfort level. After good seesion we cleaned up chated a bit said our god byes in hopes to be continued soon and not 5 min after leaving he was texting me telling how much of a great time he had with me and cant wait to do it next time he was in town. At the same very moment I picked my donation up to learn that I was shorted 110 dollars so I instantly called and went strait to vm text and got no response and pm on here. I told him that he shorted me and that we had a hour and what was missing and that I would give him a hour to come make it right and do the right thing. I got a message back asking was I for sure and that if he did he was sorry and would make it up to me I told him to wire it to me he replied with ok I will holler at yo tomorrow!!! SMH like really you did not wait for your services for the next day I feel extremely disrespected and violated and cheated in a major way and this is the type of things we are not going to tolerate and are going to stand up on..... All I can say is wow just wow unbelievable....
Dam sorry that happened to ya. Put an alert out in the ladies room as well if you havent already.
LehaLea's Avatar
Ok I sure will
Wow. I'm so sorry this happened to you . It's bad enough that he shorted you....that HAS happened to me a few times but was always made right....but the fact that he lied and is now not answering is just the behavior of a coward.
Please do post an alert on CHERRY09, and I would advise you place one in EVERY city around us...Nola, East Tx, Arkansas, and Dallas at least. And be sure to put his handle in the title as it helps when we ladies do our searches. Let me know if you need help, Leha. We ladies need to stick together and look out for shit like this and shut down the game players

Hope the rest of your week is better!
Okay, just wanted to clear a few things up. First of all, it was an honest mistake on the proper donation. We just met so I could make it right. While I feel horrible about it, it was not intentional. Secondly, I never lied about it. Third, if I am going straight home, I turn off and secure my hobby phone. When I got into my vehicle, I texted, told her I had a great time, then shut off my phone. I was going to check the board before I shut it off my phone when I got home, that's when I saw her PM and immediately made contact.

As stated, I feel very badly about it. However, I have made it right. I do enjoy the hobby and respect the providers.
Okay, just wanted to clear a few things up. First of all, it was an honest mistake on the proper donation. We just met so I could make it right. While I feel horrible about it, it was not intentional. Secondly, I never lied about it. Third, if I am going straight home, I turn off and secure my hobby phone. When I got into my vehicle, I texted, told her I had a great time, then shut off my phone. I was going to check the board before I shut it off my phone when I got home, that's when I saw her PM and immediately made contact.

As stated, I feel very badly about it. However, I have made it right. I do enjoy the hobby and respect the providers. Originally Posted by Cherry09
Very happy to hear that y'all got things straight. As for the rest, I'll keep my knowledge to myself
AchillestheTrojan's Avatar
Kiss and make up kids.
Majic, while I can appreciate your willingness to help another provider that you feel has been wronged, I don't understand what knowledge you feel needs to be kept to yourself. There is no more knowledge. LeHaLes and I had a great time together. The only other knowledge that there is will be what I put in the review as soon as I have time to do it. Since you do not have access to the rest of the story, you are welcome to ask me if you have questions about any other "knowledge".
Majic, while I can appreciate your willingness to help another provider that you feel has been wronged, I don't understand what knowledge you feel needs to be kept to yourself. There is no more knowledge. LeHaLes and I had a great time together. The only other knowledge that there is will be what I put in the review as soon as I have time to do it. Since you do not have access to the rest of the story, you are welcome to ask me if you have questions about any other "knowledge". Originally Posted by Cherry09
Cherry, I was referring to the conversation between myself and Leha when all this happened, since she reached out to me as soon as she couldn't reach you. Further than that, I am not getting into a pissing contest. You shorted her, unintentionally, and made it right. That's where it needs to end
Have a wonderful month
I hope u have a wonderful month also. Be safe in your travels.
LehaLea's Avatar
yes he contacted me this afternoon and met me and made it right I'm just now getting time to be able to sign in and make an update for I was at Walmart and left my phone... but yes he arranged the make right today and I glady appreciate him doing so