China hands Trump a win on North Korea crisis

I B Hankering's Avatar

China hands Trump a win on North Korea crisis

After a weekend filled with a series of conciliatory statements from China, some of them downright surprising, the situation with North Korea seems to be less tense right now, which could be construed as a major win for the Trump team.

To be specific, the big move came Monday as China agreed to ban imports of North Korean iron, lead, and coal as part of new U.N. sanctions on Pyongyang. That's hitting Kim Jon Un's regime where it hurts.

bambino's Avatar
. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
They know Trump means business.

Dunford will be in China and Japan. He said the military is ready if needed. I think China believes it.
lustylad's Avatar
Count me as a skeptic. The ban on iron, lead and coal was part of the UN sanctions voted last week. While the 15-0 Security Council vote was an achievement, there is no ban on Chinese oil deliveries and no prohibition against North Koreans working abroad (a major foreign-exchange source for Pyongyang). Economic sanctions still need to be enforced and toughened further. Even then, I fear we may be shutting the barn door after the horse has bolted.
I'll believe it when i actually SEE them turning back those shipments..
LexusLover's Avatar
I'll believe it when i actually SEE them turning back those shipments.. Originally Posted by garhkal
Which you won't see for long, if at all. That's the history.
bamscram's Avatar

When you see this stop.
bambino's Avatar
China said if NoKo fires a missle at the US and we retaliate, China will walk away from NoKo. Un has cancelled his plan to attack Guam.
fake news, look like you all have to start world war 3 to get people from oversea buy you property
Yssup Rider's Avatar
China said if NoKo fires a missle at the US and we retaliate, China will walk away from NoKo. Un has cancelled his plan to attack Guam. Originally Posted by bambino

Twitler didn't win shit.
bambino's Avatar

Twitler didn't win shit. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Educate yourself if that's possible:
LexusLover's Avatar
I suppose AssUp believes Trump is a broke, bankrupt, fag also.
did assup fight and die for his country the way you like them todo
WTF's Avatar
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  • 08-15-2017, 08:09 AM
China said if NoKo fires a missle at the US and we retaliate, China will walk away from NoKo. Un has cancelled his plan to attack Guam. Originally Posted by bambino

Trump saved Guam from a NK attack!

Is that how your dumbass is spinning this?

I certainly hope something good can come of this. But for the reasons mentioned by Lustylad, I think there are plenty of reasons to be concerned.

For starters, the Chinese long ago mastered the art of talking a good game while preserving ways to slither away without being held to account.

And then there's this:

The first article points up the fact that international apparel supply chains are "notoriously opaque," the second that for every door closed by sanctions, another may be opened by workarounds of one sort or another.

China's North Korean apparel sourcing is no small potatoes relative to the pipsqueak level of the Kim regime's GDP. It allows the little fat kid to get his hands on quite a bit of hard currency to play with.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 08-15-2017, 08:13 AM
China hands Trump a win on North Korea crisis. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Let's see.

Trump says China is a currency manipulator on the campaign trail.

China get NK to rattle their saber.

Trump runs to China for help.

China 'helps'

No more Trump talking tough on China.

Trump played like a fiddle.

South Korea is not even going along with Trump.