What you Gonna do???

Here is a question for all. Let's say you select a lady to visit by researching her 411 menu and study some reviews. You find that an activity is listed as available that you desire. You arrive to the incall and within a few minutes it becomes clear this activity is not going to be provided. Do you
(A) walk out and leave no fee
(B) Pay some portion of the fee and leave
(C) Stay and (as suggested by the provider just don't see her again)
(D) if any portion of fee is paid write a no review which will start drama
(E) chalk it up to hobby crap and forget about it.
She can use the ymmv card and that is fine except I feel you should have the opportunity to leave no hard feelings and no charge. When pointed out that said activity is listed on her menu she responds she has no idea what is on that menu.
TinMan's Avatar
(F) Tell her at the time I'm setting up the appointment that a certain activity is very important to me and confirm it's available, because men and women alike are prone to forget what they have in their profiles (self included).
Really? You think it is procedure to go over all important items on a menu that you require in a session. I would think many providers would find this tedious and direct you to their menu. Not really arguing clearly my method didn't work. What if this is a ymmv situation?
Write a review. If its offered and didn't happen and you two apparently communicated about this then ask to leave but leave a peace offering for her time and effort to see you. Anywhere from 60-100 is fair depending on her normal rate.

Was it DFK?

I was gonna post a rant on DFK once but didn't. Some guys - very few (maybe 5 since i became a provider two years ago) - make it nearly impossible to dfk; like sticking ur tongue in a bucket of slimy eels.

But if she can't suck it up at or maneuver the situation at $250/hr then tell her to take it off her menu or write a review about your experience. .02
I'm a bit confused...how could one tell it wouldn't work? I'd expect her to tell you its not on her menu or either accommodate. But just by opening the door, unless hideous and grotesque, I don't see what would cause a gent to walk away if it's the specific menu activity you seek.

Communication is key when it comes to specific request. I suppose that's my best tip.

Miss ya ... When are you gonna let me fiddle your diddle?
TinMan's Avatar
Yes, really. I'm not saying that is the way it ought to be, but that's the way it is. Now, a bunch of gals are probably going to come on here and say, "not with me", but you're not scheduling with that minority of the hobby community. You're likely dealing with someone who doesn't even remember she had a P411 profile, perhaps because she didn't write it herself.

Hell, now you've talked me into it (or rather, I've talked myself into it). Give her a "no".
FunInDFW's Avatar
There are more than a few points to cover. Most notably the are many unknown variables. Those aside, do you have this highly desired act on your p411 profile as something you REALLY like? If not, I'd suggest you do. Anecdotally, mine has this for dfk. I encourage all providers to look at my profile and see if they agree that we will enjoy each other's company. One has come back saying her dfk is ymmv (which I knew she was ymmv, just not about what).

Could be an option to save some frustration in the future.
DownForWhatever's Avatar

Shit happens...move on...life's too short
My choice would be C). As much as it may suck, at least try to get off after all the time and effort that is put in setting up the appointment (but that's if you are not completely turned off/disgusted by the situation). Give her a chance to make you happy in other ways. Then, everyone can leave happy. It's just the nature of the beast you know?
Ok it was DFK as you might imagine to start the session. I left a 100 after a little heated argument. I pointed out it was on her menu. She said you owe me for the whole fee for my time. I said you aren't getting it and if I paid her I was going to do a no review. She started crying and said this is the worst thing she ever had in the hobby. I am really a soft heart now. I just left the 100 and said I wouldn't write the review if she would consider removing it from her menu. Of course she hasn't removed it. Maybe she considered it. haha Understand,,, there was no DFK for her to dislike at this point.
I think you did the right thing. You compensated her for some of her time and let her know what you were expecting. Sorry it didn't work out in your favor doll. Better luck next time!
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 06-04-2014, 03:15 PM
See, the way you are stating this makes me think two things - either she had a deformation or an illness on her face that made you not want to dfk(which doesn't seem like the case since you are pissed you didnt get to smooch), or you did and she refused you.

I refuse to smooch with anyone who has recently smoked or hasn't brushed their teeth in the last hour or has gnarly broken teeth. I fucking love smooching and sucking tongue.

Ok it was DFK as you might imagine to start the session. I left a 100 after a little heated argument. I pointed out it was on her menu. She said you owe me for the whole fee for my time. I said you aren't getting it and if I paid her I was going to do a no review. She started crying and said this is the worst thing she ever had in the hobby. I am really a soft heart now. I just left the 100 and said I wouldn't write the review if she would consider removing it from her menu. Of course she hasn't removed it. Maybe she considered it. haha Understand,,, there was no DFK for her to dislike at this point. Originally Posted by diddleman

IMNSHO - That intimidation bullshit you pulled by threatening a bad review if you didn't get your donation back was a bitch move. There are plenty of ways to have "that" conversation without having to threaten anything. Be a grown up. Not a bully.

People that treat providers like they have no say or flexibility in an intimate service like this really piss me off.
Well there is no deformity in either face. Of the ladies on this thread I have not had a problem with Kendall , Eva, or hot nurse. I always have a clean mouth, a breath mint and freshly shaved. Remember their had been no kissing to dislike at this point. I am not too attractive but I have to rate as normal .... I think...
Chung Tran's Avatar
that's a tough one.. when you want DFK at the start, and it doesn't happen.. even if you soldier on, the spark is out, that initial snub stays the rest of the session..

since you are both on P411, I agree with the other post that said put it squarely in your profile, highlight it, make it unmistakeable.. then insist the potential provider read the profile
I promise it is in my profile repeatedly. She I would guess did not read it. I asked everyone to read it when I make contact. She does DFK at least sometimes. it is in her reviews. She just decided for whatever reason I would not be a good partner I guess. I checked her reviews and did notice that it wasn't in the most recent, but so what some people do not seek it.