A lesson from the Fort Worth diaspora

Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Even though, like most of the comments that clients make here that many ladies could use to improve their businesses, this one won't get read by the people who need it most, I'm going to make it anyway.

I've only been able to latch on to a bit of information here and a piece there in the wake of the recent disruptions in Fort Worth. Some girls are using what happened as an excuse to leave a business in which they were not happy. Some are using it as an opportunity to find better working conditions. Some are using it as an opportunity to become truly independent. And some are just deciding that it's time to do something else.

Some of the girls who gave clients the indication that they enjoy what they do, who treated their clients right, who cultivated their regulars, who provided superior service and experiences, and who got along well with their coworkers/competitors, are finding the value of something many of us in the business word already know: networking.

They are benefitting from introductions, a little extra financial help, assistance in finding new locales. The ones who gave mediocre, impersonal service and/or treated the people they worked with disparagingly, or with disdain and contempt, are finding things a little more difficult.

Not every client has the ability or willingness to stick his neck out, even a little bit, for a provider (i.e. be a Captain Save-a-ho, lets go ahead and get that out of the way), no matter how much he likes her. But all it takes is one with money, contacts, knowledge, and a willingness to help to make a difference in a life (or, in the case of the mothers, several lives).

So many young women don't realize that the back they scratch now may belong to a guy who can scratch theirs later on.
Sir I think it's time you let go and move on
Well said sir. This industry is so stacked against trust. But with age and experience comes the ability to discern who to take a chance with. Does not always work, less than 1/2 the time for sure. But when it does, both parties benefit so much its worth the risk from time to time. I do things I think are they right things to do. If the other party is smart enough or lucky enough to get the most benefit from my efforts then its great for them too.

What goes around does come around. Sometimes it just takes awhile. With a few speed bumps.
Sir I think it's time you let go and move on Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Does anyone else see the irony in this post? Take your own advice. Or lay off the whatever it is that's making you act like a dickhead.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Some girls are using what happened as an excuse to leave a business in which they were not happy. Some are using it as an opportunity to find better working conditions. Some are using it as an opportunity to become truly independent. And some are just deciding that it's time to do something else. Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot
I guess I missed that one. What happened in Fort Worth?
Me thinks he's referring to the closure and sale of Relax and the new studio that opened in its place.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Thank you OBSG. That explains why I hadn't heard anything about it. I only follow the indy scene.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Well fuck, now I gotta post another review when I can get back in town to see it.
Forgot about those. Its been a busy month or so in the studio business.
So back on the trust thing...does that mean it's OK to prepay now?