Penguin pimps

Bobave's Avatar
The whole article is kind of salacious, but check this part -

"In 1998 more penguin depravity came to light, when people observed adélie penguins using stones to pimp out females for prostitution. They also reported that some of the prostitute penguins tricked the males into thinking they would have sex by performing an elaborate courtship ritual, then run away with their stones."

Yeah, it's a good things that sort of thing wouldn't happen with humans... lol.
pyramider's Avatar
Bitches be bitches ...
funny! considering that penguins are one of the few other species that mate for life....
Bobave's Avatar
funny! considering that penguins are one of the few other species that mate for life.... Originally Posted by sweetgiadarling
I think that's what made the findings so surprising
I would be interested in finding out what the correlation is! maybe married males of all monogamous species need variety. or maybe all species need variety and the monogamous species go about getting it in this way? very interestingg