Tuesday Morning Facesitting and Coffee?

Csmith85's Avatar
Looking for a beautiful view Tuesday morning in Independence.
  • Gldy
  • 10-19-2020, 09:22 AM
DallasRain's Avatar
damn wish i was atill there!

try YourDesire..
Csmith85's Avatar
We are in touch. . Hopefully touching soon.
DallasRain's Avatar
i luv facesitting...especially if you have a beard!! mmmmmm
Can someone facesitt on me to. No beard sadly. Love facesitting on Saturday morning
CajunBizMan's Avatar
Hmmm. I have a beard! Guess it’s getting colder so have to keep that face warm!
yourdesire's Avatar
Thanks Gldy & D I always appreciate the mentions. And I always appreciate a nice face