Counting the days

So with less than a few days before I arrive I've been trolling the board here and a question comes to mind on preference I guess.

I wonder what is the first thing you go for when trying to book a provider. Obviously looks play a role in it I understand that but does finance really play a role?

I know here in Denver it's
looks first
finance second
reviews third.

Maybe its just me being a woman but does the connection not have a role in this? If I were a gentleman I would want to see if she can make sparks fly or leave me thinking about her for days after. So my personal preference would be
1. Revews
2 finance
3 Looks

I've met some slightly unattractive people in my life and they've turned out to be great conversationalists and lovers. Again maybe it's a woman thing.
doug_dfw's Avatar
So with less than a few days before I arrive I've been trolling the board here and a question comes to mind on preference I guess.

I wonder what is the first thing you go for when trying to book a provider. Obviously looks play a role in it I understand that but does finance really play a role?

I know here in Denver it's
looks first
finance second
reviews third.

Maybe its just me being a woman but does the connection not have a role in this? If I were a gentleman I would want to see if she can make sparks fly or leave me thinking about her for days after. So my personal preference would be
1. Revews
2 finance
3 Looks

I've met some slightly unattractive people in my life and they've turned out to be great conversationalists and lovers. Again maybe it's a woman thing. Originally Posted by Olivia Belle
Ohhh best stay downtown with the snobs but doubt they will respond. try CA or NY
Ohhh best stay downtown with the snobs but doubt they will respond. try CA or NY Originally Posted by doug_dfw
Huh? Ok back to the question, I personally would also rank 1) reviews, 2) finance, 3) looks. Of course looks have some impact on the reviews, I just think reviews are more all encompassing.
Based on many of the reviews and comments I've read, Dallas is a 1.Money, 2. Reviews and 3. Looks kind nda town

If I'm understanding the OP's rationale, me personally would be 1. Looks, 2. Reviews, 3. Money (within reason) meaning first I look for an attractive provider, then check out reviews and make a final decision on price point.
melannie_star's Avatar
Hello! I hope you have a wonderful trip hear in Dallas!

I would even go as far as adding to your list..

BCD Activities , TCB, and IOP..
Which play a major role..

DFW gentleman show great appreciation for a lady who has concurred these activities..

We also have a great group of ladies here who are reference friendly!

Stay safe and good luck!
ktiix's Avatar
  • ktiix
  • 03-03-2015, 09:50 PM
I personally go for the ones that are more interesting to talk to. Hard to tell, so usually end up disappointed
melannie_star's Avatar
I personally go for the ones that are more interesting to talk to. Hard to tell, so usually end up disappointed Originally Posted by ktiix

LOL.. Well first you have to stop banging your head against that door.. j/p.
You have made a great point.. I know online communication is not always the best way to make a good judge of character, though maybe striking up conversations of interest before meeing may help.
ktiix's Avatar
  • ktiix
  • 03-03-2015, 10:05 PM
LOL.. Well first you have to stop banging your head against that door.. j/p.
You have made a great point.. I know online communication is not always the best way to make a good judge of character, though maybe striking up conversations of interest before meeing may help. Originally Posted by melannie_star
It's definitely worth trying to spark a conversation, but it's hard to do. There are two different trains of thought at work and they don't often connect.
jimmylbob's Avatar
Hello! I hope you have a wonderful trip hear in Dallas!

I would even go as far as adding to your list..

BCD Activities , TCB, and IOP..
Which play a major role..

DFW gentleman show great appreciation for a lady who has concurred these activities..

We also have a great group of ladies here who are reference friendly!

Stay safe and good luck! Originally Posted by melannie_star
You get out of my head! But don't go too far

Melannie nails it! An added factor is to come on here and banter with others without getting mired in drama. For me, this really adds to the appeal.
1a. Personality (gotta gauge this from the lady's posts and general board persona, or,if the board presence is limited, word of mouth -- research, research, research!)
1b. Performance BCD (if you click at the personality level, then this component is gonna be just fine)

Those two ^^^, I think, collectively determine the probability of a "connection" being made during the session.

3. Finance
4. Looks

All 4 are important, especially when deciding whether to pull the trigger on the first date, but a favorable impression must exist as to the first 2 before I will even consider sending a PM or making a call/text.

Those are my thoughts, anyway. Worth what you paid for 'em.
Jackpotvinny's Avatar
So many variables!

Since I prefer the non-vanilla taste, there are a few things off the top...


I agree with Melannie, messaging or email before hand makes a ton of difference.
I will make special trips if the right combination is found.
Although I don't hobby much, I was never disappointed in the encounters.
I am working on a return trip to Dallas. when I find someone who clicks, it becomes special.
Looks, 80%
Reviews/Intel, 19.5%
Finance, 0.000000000002%

If I want ya, money ain't gonna stop me.
koseylee's Avatar
On a first visit-looks 70%, reviews-25%, price-5%. On a second visit-connection -100%
Invisible1's Avatar
Miss Belle, I dont think you will have a problem in Dallas regardless of the order. Your price, reviews and looks are all in a reasonable range for many of the hobbyists in the Dallas area. If you want a bit more biz, your can always lower your present rate a bit without worry of attracting the bargain hunting hobbyists here. Good luck and have an awesome Dallas visit.

BTW: Miss Belle many of your showcase pictures are not viewable. You may want to reload or relink them properly.
Thanks for the reply guys!
Personalitiy is HUGE
i'm boarding the plan now It was brought to my attention last night that my pictures are too large. I will have to figure that out when I land.