Was Trump taken to the woodshed?

He has endorsed Ryan, McCain and Kelly:


I think he actually got slapped around...by a high falutin' Repube. Or several of them:

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Maybe Ivanka told him to STFU or GTFO.
Trump ain't got no patience for 0zombies. Better stay on his good side, Prolapsedanus because he's going to be president!

LexusLover's Avatar
Trump ain't got no patience for 0zombies. Better stay on his good side, Prolapsedanus because he's going to be president!

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
At least he knows what a "shovel ready" project looks like ..

HillaryNoMore will think someone is building her a wading pool!
He has endorsed Ryan, McCain and Kelly:


I think he actually got slapped around...by a high falutin' Repube. Or several of them:

Don't be ridiculous.

You can't be taken to the woodshed if you don't have a sense of decency or some modicum of humility. Criticism doesn't work on narcissistic sociopaths. Trump would just think they failed to understand all the things that he - and only he - knows.
Trump ain't got no patience for 0zombies. Better stay on his good side, Prolapsedanus because he's going to be president! Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Ten points back and fading, you dumb fucking hillbilly. Just like I warned you.

Thanks for your outstanding work. Supreme Court justice Elizabeth Warren and President Clinton and going to flood the country with illegals - no matter what a GOP congress tries to do. And you won't see another conservative president elected in your lifetime.

You dumb cunt. All you had to do was back any reasonable GOP candidate and Hillary would have been smoked. But not now, you in-bred twat.

You succeeded in nominating the only "Republican" that old crook can beat.
Wonder if he was promised election money if he got in step...3 months to go and he's gonna need it.
Don't be ridiculous.

You can't be taken to the woodshed if you don't have a sense of decency or some modicum of humility. Criticism doesn't work on narcissistic sociopaths. Trump would just think they failed to understand all the things that he - and only he - knows. Originally Posted by Revenant

Speaking of the "woodshed" when you vote for Hitlery Rotten Clitface because "your boy" did not make the cut. Remember this picture, blow it up into a poster and pin it up in your "woodshed"... ir·rel·e·vant

Just trying to HELP you out... https://theconservativetreehouse.com...r/#more-119863

But simple citizens are “certain” these incredibly smart and clever minds and the man with the greatest stakeholding in the primary election, Nehlen, are wrong.

Baffles one observer, me. But I do get what has gone on.

Trolls hit hard the last few days. Enemies from Clinton/Obama who want to sew doubt and division and delay of common purpose here tracked up the premises.

Now the whiners came out of their comfort zones.

And leftover Right Wing Consistent Conservatives/Principled Conservative Ideologues who didn’t shed the straight jacket on their beliefs are incapable of adjustment.

These folks still can’t give up the radio heroes and the Red State media and stuffy old voices of the Right. So they belch that this is compromise, or more treachery. And they take if personally, putting themselves before America.

I am no worshipper of a New Leader. In a million years, I would never elevate Trump to some Wonder of the World to be adored. He is a brilliant success I understand at levels non-New Yorkers do not get without real effort to understand. I have lived and worked and grew up near and inside Manhattan. I know from ethnicity and union work rules professionally what many outside have no appreciation for.

NYC is a business jungle.

To traverse it and succeed at any level is amazing. To create projects and see them to fruition, a vision-to-reality, risking hundreds of millions of dollars and your brand every time is astounding. To do it time and again. To transform Mid-town, downtown, West Side, Upper West Side, East Side, is stuff of heroic fiction. Like going to the Moon and Mars on the same rocket, planting flags on both that can be seen from Earth on a clear day.

If you ‘get’ Trump as NY’er success in real estate, you know he has played this game with many Mayors of all sorts of temperament and affiliations. City Councils of all sorts, like hyenas and wild dogs. Borough presidents like Komodo dragons. Union chiefs out of the Middle Age dungeons.

So, taking down the RINOs is child’s play for him. He took them down last night and left them toothless and tied in knots.

You non-trolls who think you are better than Trump are suffering Ted Cruz disease with Mark Levin complications.

You not only are ignorant of the facts, the situation and the reality. You are arrogantly wasting our time trying to put a tiny, miniscule problem behind us. Everything you postulate in support of your opinion and angst is coming across as childish. (See Ted Cruz and Mark Levin).

Compared to Sundance, Nehlen, Pence, and Trump, you are sadly laughable.
But I know, as many here do, too, that this is the very undeveloped point of view of entitlement that takes time to shed. You are not warriors. You can’t be trusted to man your post. You have to be sent to the rear because the clash of battle, the incoming and return fire is too sharp and too loud and too persistent for your tender ears. And your feet stomping annoys all the soldiers around you.

Grow the tough skin. Stiffen you spine. Get real. Saving America is so much bigger and crucial than your whimpering.

This is about the existential threat to Liberty in America. Our nation needs soldiers in all forms.

Not summer soldiers and sunshine patriots. The cold weather, bleak nights and days Winter Warriors who follow the plan of battle, who trudge up the next hill and take the crestline.

We have the right man. He has the right mission. We will win. Fight with us or withdraw.

America has to be saved. It’s nothing personal. It’s about God, Family and Country. Not about you.

Trump is moving forward. We men and women of free will don’t doubt for a second the outstanding leadership of Sundance here, Nehlen there, Trump and Pence everywhere.

No doubts. Not for a nanosecond.

I knew this decision would come because of my slight advantage of understanding NYC and what and how Trump has done what no one on the planet could have done with such success. No one man, no corporation. Not Bloomberg with his 34 Billion and his insider Jewish advantages who hasn’t built diddly squat and leases space and does not own, nor did he design the so-called Bloomberg Tower, because he can’t build what Donald does.

There is no one like Donald Trump on the planet. In all the world of elite developers of real estate, in the ranks of billionaires, no one like him.

He is Babe Ruth. No one else measures up to him. There isn’t even a Lou Gehrig.

So, get educated. Please. Nehlen showed his inner greatness and I predict Trump will reward him “big time”, 100%. An American Patriot, Paul Nehlen. First purple heart of this insurgency. And he might yet pull it off and win the primary. Importantly, he has drawn blood from a smug Ryan who cried for help and supplicated to Trump.

The battle of Janesville is not over.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Trump ain't got no patience for 0zombies. Better stay on his good side, Prolapsedanus because he's going to be president!

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You want to double the bet, SLOBBRIN?
A fly just buzzed by and it smelled of SHIT.

Speaking of the "woodshed" when you vote for Hitlery Rotten Clitface because "your boy" did not make the cut. Remember this picture, blow it up into a poster and pin it up in your "woodshed"... ir·rel·e·vant Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
What's the point of the poster, toofless?

I was never a Cruz supporter, shit for brains. He was better than Trump, that's for sure, but how low of a bar is that?

I will be voting Libertarian, incest boy.
What's the point of the poster, toofless?

I was never a Cruz supporter, shit for brains. He was better than Trump, that's for sure, but how low of a bar is that?

I will be voting Libertarian, incest boy. Originally Posted by Revenant

Why didn't you vote Libertarian in 2012? ir·rel·e·vant

Must have bitch slapped the Trumster good, as he has walked back the insults and pledged his support to all he has been trashing.
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