how paul krugman made donald trump possible

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

crying wolf too many times eventually deafens the ears and the hostile, hateful rectoric from the left gets ignored.

oh yeah Krugman is clueless!!
  • Tiny
  • 08-09-2016, 05:50 PM
Not only that, but Krugman in decades past was the chief Democrat theorist and cheerleader for globalization and free trade. And that's one of the two main issues that Trump seized upon. That's not to say that Trump is right and Krugman was wrong, but it's another reason why "Krugman made Donald Trump possible."
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Not only that, but Krugman in decades past was the chief Democrat theorist and cheerleader for globalization and free trade. And that's one of the two main issues that Trump seized upon. That's not to say that Trump is right and Krugman was wrong, but it's another reason why "Krugman made Donald Trump possible." Originally Posted by Tiny
yeah that too.

Krugman is also a die-hard keynes advocate of deficit spending. he just wrote another article about how the U.S. need to triple down on deficit spending to get the same result from the WWII era.

Krugman is an idiot to think that this would improve U.S. economy.