Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

utr_guy_in_houston's Avatar
ok, I expect to be excoriated for this post (because that is the way around here), but here goes. Yesterday I began Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy to return my Testosterone levels to a normal range. Tests showed my Testosterone levels were similar to an 80 yo man so I was in bad shape. The procedure was an implantation of 8 pellets that will metabolize in my body over the next 4 months (or so). Here's why I did it:

1) I've been an athlete all my life and since I turned 50 I now suck at all the things I used to be good at.
2) The 40 yo guys I work out with have begun to call me "old man" . . . We train for triathlons together and I used to smoke these guys in workouts. Now I watch them finish from a distance.
3) One of the patients at the my clinic lost 30 lbs in the first 90 days of treatment and he told me he felt it was 50 lbs of lost fat and 20 lbs of gained muscle. He looks great and we're the same age.
4) The doctor who is administering the therapy said I could possibly get off my blood pressure and cholesterol medication in a year, and my pre-diabetic condition may improve as well (he's seen it before).
5) Most patients experience a significant boost to their libido and a return to the multi-orgasmic condition they enjoyed in their youth. I'd give almost anything to go 3 rounds in 1 hour with Valerie, but it's a physical impossibility for me now. When I was 30 that was a layup (if the girl was smokin hot).

So what are the downsides of this magic elixir? It's expensive as fuck! and it may kill you. There is talk that it may cause cancer (especially prostate) but there are no studies to back that up yet.

For me, if I can return to how I felt when I was 30 and the result is I give up 10 years on the end of my life, that's a fair trade. The 10 years I'd give up would probably be 80-90 and those years are going to suck anyway. lol

So jump in and tell me what a huge mistake I've made. It's not too late, I can have the pellets removed.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
I had to look this up. Excoriated

1. It seems like 50 is when every guy is handed their personal 24oz. bottle of fail sauce.
2. You train for triathlons?! You could still probably smoke 2/3 of the guys in the Houston forums in a 5K.
3. I don't know medicine/anatomy real well but that sounds impressive.
4. More winning.
5. 3 rounds in an hour made my dick sore in an unpleasant way back when I was 20. 2 rounds is the magic number.

I've come to learn that EVERYTHING may kill us.

As a fellow "Y" chromosome-er I can appreciate the whole homeostasis theory of the concept. I wouldn't wanna wake up smelling like old people either.

I don't have enough education on the subject to say you've made a mistake. But on the oft chance if someone post you're dead or a vegetable 6 months from now I'm bookmarking this thread.

blowpop's Avatar
I hope this works out for you. Keep us posted with the results.
Mr Willy's Avatar
I have often thought about doing the same thing but have never pulled the trigger. You sound like you are as competitive as I am. Unfortunately for me I am in my mid 60's but still workout 3 days and run 3 days. I did not start running until about 5 years ago and have run two 1/2 marathons and the last one damn near did me in. I can tell that as I get older I am losing a little at a time and that just bothers the hell out of me. I'm not on any medications YET. You are going to have to let us know how this is working for you. If you come back and say you won the triathlon you entered then I will want the name of the clinic you go to. lol
utr_guy_in_houston's Avatar
I had to look this up. Excoriated
Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
It's my SAT word of the day.

I can say on day 1, fifteen hours after implantation of the pellets, my morning back soreness was greatly reduced. It usually takes me 30 minutes to feel like I can run in the morning because my back is so stiff . . . but I was ready to go as soon as I woke up today. However, there was no improvement in my performance . . . I still sucked. lol
Mr Willy's Avatar
You are going to have to give it 30 days or so to see if the results you want are working.
utr_guy_in_houston's Avatar
For those that are interested . . . it's day 3 and I looked in the mirror to see someone I haven't seen in a long time. My skin is tightening up, yes you read that right. The elasticity and moisture is returning to my face and I had not expected this. I don't have as much of that tired warn out look any more. Now, I don't look like a 20 something but there is a noticeable difference to be sure.

I think I sleep better (certainly longer before I wake up) and I have more energy and enthusiasm. I'm getting more work done in the same amount of time. And here's an interesting one, I'm drinking less. I can't explain that one, but I was out with a buddy last night and I had only 4 drinks all night . . . we usually get wasted when we see each other once a year or so. The only thing I can explain that with is I just didn't want any more because I felt good already. I woke up with a morning erection today . . . I seriously haven seen that in years. lol Too bad I didn't have a cutie next to me to use it on . . .

And the best thing is I'm not dead yet (or near death), so I guess I won't have the pellets removed today. All in all a very interesting experiment so far.
Please do keep us updated as you progress in this treatment. I, for one, am quite interested. I thought I was going to need a similar treatment recently (as did my doctor), but my blood test showed just the opposite: I am in my mid-50's and the blood test showed my testosterone as that of a 30 year old. My problem is more easliy fixed, he said.... lack of exercise and being out of shape and over weight in my mid-section is my situation/problem. It is still not an easy fix for someone who works at a desk and is a workaholic and computer addicted on top of that (I watch very little TV), and does not golf or have any physical hobbies (not even this hobby much anymore due to mostly lack of desire).....exercising is a bitch when you are out of shape and have no interest in something fun (treadmills are BORING). Anyway, I am thankful for the great testosterone levels as the doc said it would be easy to get back in shape with my levels..... that was 3 weeks ago and I have made very little progress, though. I only need to lose 30 pounds, but no motivation so far.

I have a couple of friends in your position, though, so it will be interesting to hear about your progress. Maybe you will motivate me!! Good luck!!!

PS - I had an after-thought after proof-reading my post: The ladies should have a "get-in-shape" special for the guys. It would include a "weigh-in" before the session, and a small discount IF the weight went down a certain amount from the last time. Was just a thought on the top of my head, so it may be a dumb idea. But, would give the ladies some repeat business, and maybe motivate a few of the gents on here. Any "trainers" out there that want get a guy in shape? LOL
pyramider's Avatar
The doctor will be watching PSA levels in blood, also the thickness of your blood. Testosterone therapy can also shrinck your nuts since the body will thinck you have enough testosterone and will quit making the natural stuff.
5)I'd give almost anything to go 3 rounds in 1 hour with Valerie, but it's a physical impossibility for me now. When I was 30 that was a layup (if the girl was smokin hot).
Originally Posted by utr_guy_in_houston
Aww ... Well good luck to you honey and let us know how everything turns out..
For those that are interested . . . it's day 3 and I looked in the mirror to see someone I haven't seen in a long time. Originally Posted by utr_guy_in_houston
I don’t want to be too critical of testosterone replacement, but it’s not for me. But while you are checking yourself out in the mirror, keep and eye out for gynecomastia as well as hair loss, they both come on fast. I do know most of the guys that take testosterone in large quantities, also take something to combat the feminizing effects.

Also, you said...”For me, if I can return to how I felt when I was 30 and the result is I give up 10 years on the end of my life, that's a fair trade. The 10 years I'd give up would probably be 80-90 and those years are going to suck anyway. lol” You know, that’s easy to say that now, you may feel a little differently in a few years. I have a son that is a Navy Seal. Among his many other duties, he is also responsible for leading and maintaining fitness for his team. He was on leave just a couple of months ago and we worked out every day when he was here. Could I keep up with him? Not by any fucking stretch of the imagination! Seems like only a few years ago I was teaching him everything he knows about working out. But, he is having his day, I had mine. I may not have an eight pack like he does, but I’m 51 and have a healthy four pack and sometimes you can see a trace of the six pack. Just depends on how much I have been eating that week!
Long story short, I don’t have a clue what my testosterone level is. I do know I can’t build new muscle like I once could, but I do maintain a lot more muscle than they typical male, no matter what his age. This can easily be done with high protein meals, weight lifting and learning everything you can about your metabolism. Again, I don’t want to sound like I am ripping on you, maybe you are more than a risk taker than I have ever been, but I would rather do things naturally and not have to worry about feminization of my genitals, growing bitch tits, and going bald. If you are ever interested, I can give you a weight lifting routine that will shave hours off your time spent in the gym and probably give you the best results you have ever had.
Just out of curiosity... what does something like that cost? I'm 50-something and just started running and lifting again after a 12 year marriage ended. I am making decent gains... but anything that might help would be an asset
Sarunga's Avatar
Just out of curiosity... what does something like that cost? I'm 50-something and just started running and lifting again after a 12 year marriage ended. I am making decent gains... but anything that might help would be an asset Originally Posted by SkirtChaser
Welcome to the Club.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Testosterone therapy can also shrinck your nuts since the body will thinck you have enough testosterone and will quit making the natural stuff. Originally Posted by pyramider
I'm right about where the OP is but I'm borderline low, and this ^^^ is exactly what's keeping me from testosterone therapy. Around September I will check into this further. I have no desire for the patch, but the other therapies I may consider.
utr_guy_in_houston's Avatar
The doctor warned me of all of these things and for each there is an answer. First the "feminizing effects" happen when your boosting your levels too high. According to the doctor, excess testosterone in your system will sometimes get converted into estrogen. You have to monitor your blood levels closely to insure this doesn't happen, that's what you lose if you boot leg this therapy and skip the blood tests.

As for the "shrinking nuts", the doctor told me he'd put me on HCG once a year to stimulate my own testosterone production and keep this from happening. I'm not sure how that works but biologically but he had an answer at least.

Finally hair loss . . . . the only answer here is hair transplants if it happens. I'll keep you posted.

As for your workout, I'd love to see it. But you should know that I train for triathlons about 10 hours a week in 7 different sessions across swimming, running and cycling (sometimes doubles). So it's not like I'm lazy and out of shape. But I've practically given up on weights because I can't build muscle any more. I'd like to change that.

I don’t want to be too critical of testosterone replacement, but it’s not for me. But while you are checking yourself out in the mirror, keep and eye out for gynecomastia as well as hair loss, they both come on fast. I do know most of the guys that take testosterone in large quantities, also take something to combat the feminizing effects.
Originally Posted by GymRat