Do you believe you are the company you keep?

SexyCassandra's Avatar
Do you believe that if some provider socialize with other providers that you would never admit to being with even if you did see them, that their acquaintances are guilty by association? I would love to know what your take on this is? Ladies you too.
I like to make it clear as well that I am me and I represent myself.
Certain things have been brought to my attention which is the reason of this thread. Id love to hear your thoughts.
dearhunter's Avatar
I would not judge a hooktard for "hanging" with another hooktard under normal conditions......there is an exception to that.......but, the supreme directive prevents me from elaborating.....ijs
Wakeup's Avatar
I obviously represent Dearhunter, Boardman, JaD, TexasGator, and Katie Couric. I hold that against them every day...
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 07-27-2012, 08:53 PM
It is probably best to keep the girls you hang with to yourself. The dumb shit they may do can reflect badly on yourself.
Wouldn't think so...but would judge a dude from the other providers here's seen and hung out with.
TexasGator's Avatar
Unlike deerhunter, I don't give a fuck about the Supreme Directive if you're hot...and know how to entice me. ijs.

have your girl call my girl...we'll do lunch
Sarunga's Avatar
What is more important is what you believe.
SexyCassandra's Avatar
Like I thought there would be mixed opinions on this but still it really is interesting to know what majority thinks.
I have never BEEN what my friends are. I have always been me. And true to a friend. But have had all types, I still stay me. My friends do what they do, and I do me. Of course I don't spend 24/7 with any friends, I got to much on my plate. But its a nice thought that you would only be judged on your actions and not your friend's actions!
Beau Derierre's Avatar
It is probably best to keep the girls you hang with to yourself. The dumb shit they may do can reflect badly on yourself. Originally Posted by trey
Trey has the best answer. As a provider you want to protect your reputation.
If you do meet with other providers I would keep it private. I once made a horrible choice and was sucked in by a evil women I never even met personaly.Her promise to me alone to help an protect me on the board cost me a lot.That decision cost me my p411 account. For that I will never compromise my $$$ ever again. Remember at the end of the day we are all chasing the same $!
I dont understand the question
Trey has the best answer. As a provider you want to protect your reputation.
If you do meet with other providers I would keep it private. I once made a horrible choice and was sucked in by a evil women I never even met personaly.Her promise to me alone to help an protect me on the board cost me a lot.That decision cost me my p411 account. For that I will never compromise my $$$ ever again. Remember at the end of the day we are all chasing the same $! Originally Posted by SensualSpecialist
I agree. Its best to be solo. Doing all that bi stuff in my opinion hurts friendship and your career, I have never been down that road. But girls have to look out for their own. I have known girls it hurt. I deal with VERY few people, and then only with a long handle spoon. To much mess!
SexyCassandra's Avatar
The question is self explanatory sorry you dont understand.
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
I am me. And so far I haven't met any other like me.
Some have come close though.
SexyCassandra's Avatar
I am asking b/c if some people are to ashamed to admit being with someone is that b/c of the company they keep or based on a social rep they have to keep up? This thread has nothing to do with being bi or other nonsense.