Looks like Trump is going to do what he said

there was also this that was on Fox and I heard tthat he has been in contact with Bill Ford

The Art of the Deal

I didn't actually vote for Trump, but he is growing on me I must admit.

If he actually builds The Great Wall of America and bans muslim terrorists, I'll not only vote for him in four years, I'll campaign for him.
BigLouie's Avatar
This is a con job. He promised millions in tax breaks to keep less than half the people here. If they do the same thing HP and Ford did when Bush have them deals, Carrier will bring back cash from over seas, but buy back their own stock to drive up the price and all the execs will exercise their stock options and get more rich and when no one notices will let go of the people they kept. Carrier made a great deal andv it cost them nothing and they got free millions
  • DSK
  • 12-01-2016, 10:19 AM
This is a con job. He promised millions in tax breaks to keep less than half the people here. If they do the same thing HP and Ford did when Bush have them deals, Carrier will bring back cash from over seas, but buy back their own stock to drive up the price and all the execs will exercise their stock options and get more rich and when no one notices will let go of the people they kept. Carrier made a great deal andv it cost them nothing and they got free millions Originally Posted by BigLouie
You don't like stock buybacks?
You don't like stock buybacks? Originally Posted by DSK
he is butt hurt cause Hillary lost and now the democraps are scrambling trying to figure out how to get back the white working class vote that they took for granite
This is a con job. He promised millions in tax breaks to keep less than half the people here. If they do the same thing HP and Ford did when Bush have them deals, Carrier will bring back cash from over seas, but buy back their own stock to drive up the price and all the execs will exercise their stock options and get more rich and when no one notices will let go of the people they kept. Carrier made a great deal andv it cost them nothing and they got free millions Originally Posted by BigLouie
the con job that you are referring to is tax's breaks that given on a performance basis and how many jobs that stay in Indy and it works because they have done the same thing here were I live, say what you want about Trump but he understands what it takes to keep a business going with lower taxes and less regulations
Carrier is a subsidiary of United Technologies, and one of their customers is the Pentagon. They're gonna piss off Trump by moving jobs to Mexico and jeopardize their standing with the defense department? Nope. So 1,000 jobs were saved in Indiana. Small potatoes when you consider our economy has lost or gained hundreds of thousands of jobs a month in the past.

Trumpolini's learning how to be a politician, ha ha...
BigLouie's Avatar
This is typical Trump. He got played like a fool and he is acting as if it is a victory. Trump and Pence promised that the state and feds would pick up the cost of keeping those people employed is what it boils down to.
bambino's Avatar
This is typical Trump. He got played like a fool and he is acting as if it is a victory. Trump and Pence promised that the state and feds would pick up the cost of keeping those people employed is what it boils down to. Originally Posted by BigLouie
You were played like a fool. You voted for Hillary. What a loser.
bambino's Avatar
Carrier is a subsidiary of United Technologies, and one of their customers is the Pentagon. They're gonna piss off Trump by moving jobs to Mexico and jeopardize their standing with the defense department? Nope. So 1,000 jobs were saved in Indiana. Small potatoes when you consider our economy has lost or gained hundreds of thousands of jobs a month in the past.

Trumpolini's learning how to be a politician, ha ha... Originally Posted by Prolongus
Well dickhead, Trump has sent a signal to business that he will fight to keep jobs here. Reduced tax rates and onerous regulations will certainly help. He hasn't been sworn in yet and he's having a positive effect on the business environment. Get used to winning again Bunghole. Or do you prefer to be the loser that you are?
LexusLover's Avatar
Don't pay any attention to the whining losers .... all their bullshit didn't float the last eight years .... including the last 18 months ....

... and it won't float for the next 8 plus years.

All they had for 8 years is criticizing the opposition's ideas ....

... that's all HillaryNoMore had the last 18 .....

Example: John Kerry is their new Poster Boy ....

.... It's his turn to fall on the sword!

Another perjurying loser, who would be emptying wastepaper baskets in some DA's office if he hadn't married "well" .... just like HillaryNoMore!!!!

"BooHoo" .. is all they have. They fucked themselves and now they want to find someone else to blame on their own stupidity.

By her own standards: HillaryNoMore is a "drect threat to our democracy" .... and she always was a "direct threat" along with JohnEnemyFraternizerPerjuryorL oserKerry

goodman0422's Avatar
Carrier is a subsidiary of United Technologies, and one of their customers is the Pentagon. They're gonna piss off Trump by moving jobs to Mexico and jeopardize their standing with the defense department? Nope. So 1,000 jobs were saved in Indiana. Small potatoes when you consider our economy has lost or gained hundreds of thousands of jobs a month in the past.

Trumpolini's learning how to be a politician, ha ha... Originally Posted by Prolongus
He's not even president yet and he is already working to fulfill his promise to American workers. And you blame him for all the shit done under previous administrations? Really? And please tell us why all the "hundreds of thousands of jobs a month" are Trump's fault. Companies leave the US in search of lower production costs the biggest of which are tax and salaries (to include healthcare).



Trump campaigned that he would decrease corporate taxes to encourage companies to stay in the us. (Before you whine about tax cuts for corporations figure out which company will pay more tax to the US: a company with a lower tax rate, or a company that left the US and pays no corporate tax?) Decreasing corporate taxes may not draw companies back to the US but it may keep more from leaving. Why don't you wait to see if it works before opening your mouth again?
goodman0422's Avatar
Trump and Pence promised that the state and feds would pick up the cost of keeping those people employed is what it boils down to. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Are you suggesting it would have been better to just let the jobs go and give the newly unemployed welfare?
bambino's Avatar
Are you suggesting it would have been better to just let the jobs go and give the newly unemployed welfare? Originally Posted by goodman0422
BigSchmooey doesn't know much about anything.
This is a political stunt, plain and simple. Trumpolini Lemmings are cumming all over themselves shouting "Yeah, Trump! Saving jobs!" LMFAOOOOO.....

Trump would have to do one of these savior jobs every week for 30 YEARS to save as many jobs as Obama's auto bailout. Fucking FAUX News cheers this but denounced Obsma's. Fucking hypocrites.