Pearl Harbor at 75 in Rememberance:

I B Hankering's Avatar
Seventy-five years ago today, at 7:48 AM Hawaiian time:

"Yesterday, December 7, 1941—a date which will live in infamy—the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

bambino's Avatar
Sitting here having a shot & a beer with my father in law. Tail gunner in a B17. He's 91. Very fortunate to be a part of his family. What a great guy. He's a Trump guy.
Sitting here having a shot & a beer with my father in law. Tail gunner in a B17. He's 91. Very fortunate to be a part of his family. What a great guy. He's a Trump guy. Originally Posted by bambino
I'll hoist one for him tonight, bam .
bambino's Avatar
I'll hoist one for him tonight, bam . Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Back atcha!

Took him up for a ride when they stopped in Pgh 5 yrs ago. Quite an experience. It was bittersweet for him. Lost many friends in WW2.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Sitting here having a shot & a beer with my father in law. Tail gunner in a B17. He's 91. Very fortunate to be a part of his family. What a great guy. He's a Trump guy. Originally Posted by bambino
Give him my thanks, Bambino.

I'll hoist one for him tonight, bam . Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Sitting here having a shot & a beer with my father in law. Tail gunner in a B17. He's 91. Very fortunate to be a part of his family. What a great guy. He's a Trump guy. Originally Posted by bambino
My hat is off to him Bam 25 missions in a B-17 over Germany
I get cold just thinking about what it would have been like at 30,000 feet
bambino's Avatar
My hat is off to him Bam 25 missions in a B-17 over Germany
I get cold just thinking about what it would have been like at 30,000 feet Originally Posted by gary5912
Yeah, and kneeling in the tail gunner spot. That's a tight place. 25 below zero up there. He flew 11 missions and the war was over. His crew had the luxury of having the P51 escorts. He might not be here if he was there earlier.
Yeah, and kneeling in the tail gunner spot. That's a tight place. 25 below zero up there. He flew 11 missions and the war was over. His crew had the luxury of having the P51 escorts. He might not be here if he was there earlier. Originally Posted by bambino
Bet he has a " pungent " opinion about the swishy - walkers and trannies being foisted off onto today's military !!!! My 85 year old, 30 year's active duty Father sure does ! He invents new curse words every time he sees a swisher out in public and lets them know, in a voice that would make a DI proud, just what he thinks about them !
bambino's Avatar
Bet he has a " pungent " opinion about the swishy - walkers and trannies being foisted off onto today's military !!!! My 85 year old, 30 year's active duty Father sure does ! He invents new curse words every time he sees a swisher out in public and lets them know, in a voice that would make a DI proud, just what he thinks about them ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
He just fuckin shakes his head. I think he's glad he didn't grow up in this era.
I B Hankering's Avatar
My hat is off to him Bam 25 missions in a B-17 over Germany
I get cold just thinking about what it would have been like at 30,000 feet Originally Posted by gary5912
This book gives a view of the big picture of the air war over Germany:

"In October 1943, fewer than one out of four Eighth Air Force crew members could expect to complete his tour of duty: twenty-five combat missions. The statistics were discomforting. Two-thirds of the men could expect to die in combat or be captured by the enemy. Seventeen percent would either be wounded seriously, suffer a disabling mental breakdown, or die in a violent air accident over English soil. Only 14% of the fliers assigned to Maj. Egan's Bomb Group when it arrived in England in May 1943 made it to their twenty-fifth mission. By the end of the war, the Eighth Air Force [one of sixteen United States Army Air Forces (USAAF)] would have more fatal casualties―26,000―than the entire United States Marine Corps. Seventy-seven percent of the Americans who flew against the Reich before D-Day would wind up as casualties" (p. 7).

This masterful book movingly relates the personal experiences of a B-24 crew's experience in the air war over Germany:

Psalm 139: 9 and 10

If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea;

Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.
  • DSK
  • 12-07-2016, 07:43 PM
Bet he has a " pungent " opinion about the swishy - walkers and trannies being foisted off onto today's military !!!! My 85 year old, 30 year's active duty Father sure does ! He invents new curse words every time he sees a swisher out in public and lets them know, in a voice that would make a DI proud, just what he thinks about them ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
I agree with your father. It is a national tragedy to foist faggots upon what was once the greatest military in history.

Fucking liberals, they should kill themselves to atone for their monumental desecration of the culture of a once great nation - hopefully Trump can save us.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
my dad, an aeronautical engineering, help design the B29