Does he even have one? If do the Obamazombies care to explain it to us, if you can.
I think he has clearly drawn the line in the sand where he stands. Oh wait, didn't stick with that one either...who knows?
Obama has clearly let us know where he stands. Hell bent on destroying America. Which ever direction the wind is blowing is his foreign policy.
I think Obama's foreign policy goal is to diminish America's influence in the world; reduction to smallness and irrelevance. Weaken America's influence, allowing other nation states to rise - forces that prior administrations opposed (for good reason).

And then slash the defense budget; redirecting military spending to domestic entitlements and such.....

Game set match for progressive socialists who don't believe in American exceptionalism.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
That was a RED line Syria but then again, that line didn't matter. Same thing with that line just south of Texas just north of a country called Mexico. He doesn't pay much attention to that line either.
One foreign leader who Obama has stated he admires is Turkey's Erdogan; read about Erdogan's world view, then ask yourself, how can Obama have our back on national interest issues !

Erdoğan has worked to undercut sanctions against Iran and has embraced groups like Hamas and Hezbollah designated by the U.S. government as terrorists. On a personal level, he is bitterly anti-Israel and probably anti-Semitic. And his views about women — e.g., “I don’t believe in equality between men and women” — are inconsistent with those Obama professes to hold.

Criticizing Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, the leader of the center-left and secular Republican Peoples Party (CHP), Erdoğan declared, “Kılıçdaroğlu is striving every bit he can to raise himself from the level of a black person to the level of a white man.” The Turkish word—Zenci—Erdoğan used is often used in a derogatory way.
How can Obama admire such a despicable character ?


Former Obama advisor Vali Naser blasts the Obama doctrine (lack of ).........

America – dragged by Europeans into ending butchery in Libya, abandoning Afghanistan to an uncertain future, resisting a leadership role in ending the massacre of civilians in Syria, and then rolling back its commitments to the region to “pivot” to Asia – hardly looks indispensable.

In the cocoon of our public debate Obama gets high marks on foreign policy. That is because his policies’ principal aim is not to make strategic decisions but to satisfy public opinion – he has done more of the things that people want and fewer of the things we have to do that may be unpopular.

To our allies, however, our constant tactical maneuvers don’t add up to a coherent strategy or a vision of global leadership. Gone is the exuberant American desire to lead the world. In its place there is the image of a superpower tired of the world and in retreat, most visibly from the one area of the world where it has been most intensely engaged. That impression serves neither America’s long-run interest nor stability around the world.

Vali Nasr is dean of the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies and a senior fellow in foreign policy at the (liberal) Brookings Institution. He served in the Obama administration from 2009-2011 as senior advisor to the U.S. special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, Richard Holbrooke.
And in Egypt....................Obama failures all over the middle east.

GW is more admired in the middle east...............