Obama's New Math Where Even the Wrong Answers are Right

New math being taught so everybody will vote for Liberals. Libtards are stupid already this is their way to keep and attempt to expand their base!



Obama’s new Common Core condones creative math answers: 3 X 4 = 11

Fuzzy math. It’s a program that those with math phobias are sure to love. Welcome to Common Core, the Obama administration’s new curriculum for public schools, where even wrong answers are acceptable.

We’ve all been taught that 2+1=3, but under Common Core the answer could be 4, or pretty much any number you want to offer – as long as you can explain how you calculated the problem, according to a video posted by The Daily Caller.

In the video, a curriculum coordinator in the suburban Chicago community of Grayslake explains that right answers don’t really count in math.

“Even if they said, ‘3 x 4 was 11,’ if they were able to explain their reasoning and explain how they came up with their answer really in, umm, words and oral explanation, and they showed it in the picture but they just got the final number wrong, we’re really more focusing on the how,” the coordinator, Amanda August, says in the video.

Someone in the audience asks if teachers will correct students who don’t know basic math, and August replies, but doesn’t really answer the question.

“We want our students to compute correctly but the emphasis is really moving more towards the explanation, and the how, and the why, and ‘can I really talk through the procedures that I went through to get this answer,’” August says. “And not just knowing that it’s 12, but why is it 12? How do I know that?”
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Fuck you Marshall
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Everybody gets a trophy and a welfare check, don't worry the party is on China live it up.
Fuck you Marshall Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yobyssis Rider fucks sissyboys...LOL
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You're the stupidest fuck on ECCIE, Simple Jack! You make IBIdiot look like a Nobel Laureate (look it up, moron!)
You're the stupidest fuck on ECCIE, Simple Jack! You make IBIdiot look like a Nobel Laureate (look it up, moron!) Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
ass bitch...
Looks like assup rider graduated from Obama's school with flying colors. They couldn't give grades because they were unable to do math!!!!

You're the stupidest fuck on ECCIE, Simple Jack! You make IBIdiot look like a Nobel Laureate (look it up, moron!) Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
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Brilliant, immature retort, from the man with many handles.