You have WHAT stuck? and where?

DallasRain's Avatar
Weird things stuck in an ass!

People generally seeking anal gratification or weird, bizzare accidents? Can you imagine the embarrassment at having to arrive in casualty or at your doctors and tried to explain these sorts of things stuck in your bottom!
Magazines, such as The Church Times, have been retrieved from the anus. These were not found in the three people who had flashlights found in them, so apparently no one stuck the flashlights up there so they could read these magazines.

A microwave egg boiler, inserted by a man attempting to relieve his intractable constipation.

A light bulb, which the embarrassed unfortunate said he inserted while drunk. (It took suction-cup darts, mineral oil, and three catheters with inflated balloons in order to remove it.)

More? How about...

A shaving cream can
A frozen fish (with the dorsal fin extended).
A bottle of Mrs. Butterworth's Syrup.
A pair of reading glasses.
A salami.
A curling iron.
A Baseball
A frozen pig's tail.
A kangaroo tumor.
A whip handle
Cpalmson's Avatar
Okay, this reminds me of a story I heard from one of my lady friends. Granted this is second hand, but I gotta believe it is the truth. Let's just say when this occurred, my lady friend was in somewhat of a role as authority figure/den mother. She told me that this one girl came to her complaining of vaginal issues and needed advice. When the young girl finally came clean-- probably a week to 10 days from when the event happened, this is what she "admitted" to. The girl and her BF were experimenting. Apparently, they got the brilliant idea for her to put tuna in her pussy. The BF was then to eat the tuna out of the GF's pussy. Apparently, he didn't "clean his plate". Some of the tuna remained inside of her where she developed a bacterial infection. My lady friend and idea almost couldn't contain ourselves.
Ms. Athena's Avatar
Please people play safe..........Having to go to the ER to have a "object" removed would not be a fun way to spend a day. Believe me as a nurse that has had to be on the removing side........I felt for the poor souls butt boy did I have the best coffee break
DallasRain's Avatar tell!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I had a friend in Dallas answer a call from an old client about three years ago. He wanted to run over because while playing with a buttplug in his ass, he pushed it too far in and he couldn't get it out.

He was freaking out and was hurt.

He came over in the middle of the night and she got it out for him. Created an ungodly mess and he didn't even give her a tip. Hopefully, he realizes what my friend did for him and at least she got a thank you.

I always try to warn my clients who like things in their bottoms to respect those flaredbases. That's why I love those Aneros male toys. They cannot get "lost".


The stories that I've heard. But I'm not so sure that I'm any better. Some day, when I'm feeling brave, I'll tell you the story of the grape.


I am so sorry but I just have to make a really bad pun in mentioning the Grapes of Ass.
DallasRain's Avatar
lol Grapes of ass!

Miss e...sounds like a fun story! love to hear it!
SknyDiva's Avatar
of all things to put up there why the hell would someone use TUNA?? I threw up in my mouth just a little when I READ THAT!
SknyDiva's Avatar
I had a marble stuck in my pussy.
Chica Chaser's Avatar

With x-ray pics

Really...a Buzz LightYear toy?

Non-human, non-ass, but fitting still for me
The X-Ray of the teaspoon swallowed by a 12-year-old King Charles spaniel called Millie, It certainly gave her paws for thought.

TheDoc's Avatar
I once went to a golf tournament sponsored by one of the local strip clubs. Girls would entertain they guys at each hole. (pardon the pun).

Anyway, I was at the 19th hole drinking with some of my doctor buddies and one of the bouncers comes over and asks us if any of us were OB/GYN docs. Apparently one of the dancers put two golf balls up her vag and only one came out. It was stuck and she was about to go to the ER. Well, after we all stopped laughing we volunteered one of my friends who wasn't an OB, but he did do a general surgery residency, so we all volunteered him. He said he would do it, but only if I assisted. He got some food service gloves on and we all went into the ladies locker room. She laid down on the bench with two of her girlfriends holding her legs up as stirrups. My friend then reached up in there and tried to fish it out. It was really far up. he could barely reach it. So he starts stretching her open a bit with 3 fingers and then tells her to push.. And lo and behold he delivers a bouncing baby Titleist! It was hilarious!
Ms. Athena's Avatar
lol CC.............Yeap many many things a horny man will do....or attempt to do.......

Ok for one horny man in a hotel with his kids on vacation he used his OWN toothbrush!!!

Butt one of the worest was when we had to go in a get the Gerbil out.....yes there was a live Gerbil in his ass.....Lets just say the Gerbil didnt make it..............
DallasRain's Avatar
pmdelites's Avatar
not that it's foolproof, but put the dildo, vib, playtoy inside a condom before inserting it. then, you've upped the probability of retrieving it should it slip inside.

i learned that lesson when a small vibe slipped inside my date's vagina. fortunately, i was able to get it out, but the thought of having to take her to Primacare or a Acute Care clinic was not at all pleasant.

ass in anything sexual, BE SAFE FOLKS!!! [typo inintended but pun intended]