interview with South Carolina House Representative Mark Sanford (R):
GLENN: So let me ask you a couple of things on, the Freedom Caucus stood against — and you stood against Obamacare. I’m sorry. Obamacare and Trumpcare.
MARK: Yeah.
GLENN: When Trumpcare was being pushed, you were actually threatened by Team Trump. They said that, if you didn’t sign up, they would challenge you in the primary of 2018. And from what I understand, you said, “Go ahead.” Now they’re saying that the Freedom Caucus is starting to come on board. Is there something that we can actually look at, that is possibly decent?
MARK: Yeah. It’s represented in this MacArthur Amendment whether or not that will ultimately get us up and over the top, I’m not sure. But I think that the Freedom Caucus — well, I know the Freedom Caucus has come on board based on the belief of, one, let’s tell the truth to the American public. The truth is we’re not repealing the Affordable Care Act. Even though there had been a lot of fanfare when we had a Democratic president and it couldn’t go into effect, you know, 60 votes to that effect in the House of Representatives, the bill that made its way all the way to the president, a lot of chest-beating saying, “We’ve got to repeal. We’ve got to repeal. We’ve got to repeal.” When push comes to shove, now that we have the chance, they were not willing — the conference was not willing to bring that bill forward. And I think that the allies that I deal with in the Freedom Caucus pushed awfully hard on that, saying, wait. This is something that is clear consensus in the House, the Senate. We’ve done it multiple times. But for whatever reason, that isn’t where we were. This other bill moved forward. It wasn’t, as I say, ready for prime time. It had a number of different deficiencies that I think would have hurt people who rely on the individual marketplace for their insurance. And in essence, this MacArthur Amendment was an experiment in federalism. Getting it was called title one. And title one is really the central nervous system of what drives up cost in the individual marketplace and what, frankly, drives the Affordable Care Act. And our fight in —
GLENN: What is title one?
MARK: Title one basically deals with insurance being insurance. So if I said to you, we’re going to — you know, I’m going to give you great insurance. You know, great insurance. You have a 200,000-dollar house. But you’ve got to buy a million and a half dollar policy. You would say, that ain’t great insurance for me. It might be great insurance, but it’s not great insurance for me. Great insurance is the insurance that fits for me and for my family and those that I love. And so what title one gets at is, all the different provisions that prevented insurance from being insurance. Insurance is not being able to buy your homeowner’s policy when the house is on fire. You have to buy your homeowner’s policy ahead of time to be covered. And what the Affordable Care Act did is it said, you could wait until your house was on fire to buy a homeowner’s policy. So title one was, again, letting — preventing insurance from being insurance. And it was our belief that if you were ever going to, again, affect the cost of insurance for that small business person out there struggling to make it and struggling with fewer choices and rising premiums, you had to let insurance be insurance. And so that’s what the fight has been about. And what this MacArthur Amendment did was it said, okay. We’ll split the baby. And we’ll do a federalism experiment. States that want to let insurance be insurance, they can do that. States that don’t, won’t. If Vermont wants to go to a single-payer system, they may. If South Carolina wants to go to a more market-based system, they may. And that I think is the most you’ll be able to get out of the conference. And at that point, the Freedom Caucus folded the cards and said, I guess, as of yesterday to be exact, we’ll sign off on that particular measure. And that’s where things are right now.
this is actually disappointing. they never intended to repeal obamacare. so, this 6 year farce was them playing the game.