History lesson on courts

winn dixie's Avatar
The courts made everything legal for the nazis to gain control. If it was illegal at the time the courts again made it legal.
Look at today's scotus decision, trumpfs maga agents changing election laws. And numerous other actions and propaganda straight from the nazi mein kampf playbook.
As I've said before. Trumpf is a wannabe Hitler. Biggly and hugely
It's happening right before our eyes.
eccieuser9500's Avatar

These excerpts from Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s dissent in Trump v. United States tell it all.

In a ruling that should terrify every law-abiding citizen of every political party, SCOTUS’ MAGA justices handed Donald Trump a brazen victory over the question of criminal immunity, saying presidents have immunity for ‘official acts’ taken while in the White House.

The 6-3 ruling did caveat that not all acts a president takes during his term are official; but, in practice, this will kick the DOJ’s criminal prosecution of Trump for his alleged role in subverting the results of the 2020 election back to a lower court to determine which parts of the indictment relate to official or non-official acts — all but ensuring he will not need to stand trial in that case before Election Day.

The decision makes it indisputable: the court’s MAGA justices inserted themselves into a legitimate criminal prosecution in order to shield Donald Trump of personal accountability in a way that will have lasting, toxic consequences for the presidency long after Trump — or Joe Biden — is gone from office.

By agreeing to take up the immunity claim and then failing to swiftly affirm a lower court’s unanimous rejection of it, these MAGA justices have delayed justice for the American people, hoping to permanently lock themselves in power and enact their agenda to take away our freedoms.
The courts made everything legal for the nazis to gain control. If it was illegal at the time the courts again made it legal.
Look at today's scotus decision, trumpfs maga agents changing election laws. And numerous other actions and propaganda straight from the nazi mein kampf playbook.
As I've said before. Trumpf is a wannabe Hitler. Biggly and hugely
It's happening right before our eyes. Originally Posted by winn dixie

You have it back asswards
More severe TDS on display.
winn dixie's Avatar
You have it back asswards Originally Posted by farmstud60
The proof is unfolding right in front of you.
The courts made everything legal for the nazis to gain control. If it was illegal at the time the courts again made it legal.
Look at today's scotus decision, trumpfs maga agents changing election laws. And numerous other actions and propaganda straight from the nazi mein kampf playbook.
As I've said before. Trumpf is a wannabe Hitler. Biggly and hugely
It's happening right before our eyes. Originally Posted by winn dixie
That was Nazi Germany not America. The Democrats have trashed the Constitution and the rule of Law that's the reason the Supreme Court has made their ruling.
winn dixie's Avatar
That was Nazi Germany not America. The Democrats have trashed the Constitution and the rule of Law that's the reason the Supreme Court has made their ruling. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Trumpf has praised Hitler as doing good things.
There's no denying what trumpf has done packing the courts among many other things mirrors what Hitler did.
History and evil repeats itself.
winn dixie's Avatar
You have it back asswards Originally Posted by farmstud60
Biden has has 3 Ina half years to stack the court and he didn't do it. Magas fear mongers that into the ground. Didn't happen
Trumpf weponized scotus and selective lower courts for his benefit
Budman's Avatar
Jill, he didn't do it because there were not any vacancies to fill.
Trumpf has praised Hitler as doing good things.
There's no denying what trumpf has done packing the courts among many other things mirrors what Hitler did.
History and evil repeats itself. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Well Hitler did improve Germany's Economy. I don't see anything wrong with that.
Biden has has 3 Ina half years to stack the court and he didn't do it. Magas fear mongers that into the ground. Didn't happen
Trumpf weponized scotus and selective lower courts for his benefit Originally Posted by winn dixie

You have failed basics civics class. You are totally delusional
winn dixie's Avatar
Jill, he didn't do it because there were not any vacancies to fill. Originally Posted by Budman
You do know what stacking the court is? Right?
winn dixie's Avatar
Well Hitler did improve Germany's Economy. I don't see anything wrong with that. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Total falsehood! He stopped ww1 Reparations and geared the economy towards war. His ultra nationalist stance was one of instant turn around but quickly fell apart. By 1941 they were rationing. By 1945 they were starving.
Lots more on the net or encyclopedias.
Total falsehood
Total falsehood! He stopped ww1 Reparations and geared the economy towards war. His ultra nationalist stance was one of instant turn around but quickly fell apart. By 1941 they were rationing. By 1945 they were starving.
Lots more on the net or encyclopedias.
Total falsehood Originally Posted by winn dixie
No it isn't. I don't know what the hell you were reading.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
You do know what stacking the court is? Right? Originally Posted by winn dixie
blame Barry, for not filling open spots