Master head maybe?

I think I found a video of the master head of Pensacola. Look below.

I think the link below is here in Pensacola
Yep that’s her
Click on the person who uploaded it and there are some pics of her as well
Thought about seeing her at some point looks fun !
Sorry, but that's one fugly looking person.
Sorry, but that's one fugly looking person. Originally Posted by laloverboy
That's what most guys on here go home to after they banged a 20 something provider and the reason they went to see a 20 something provider.
Sorry, but that's one fugly looking person. Originally Posted by laloverboy
But LA you haven’t asked how the head is ??

There’s a hooker for all if the performances are great you keep going back does it really matter looks all the time ? I mean 20’s 30’s 40’s 50’s if fucking is what you want or gfe does it really matter on looks ... every chick has some beauty to someone.

I was in Jacksonville a couple years ago had to take care of a few things for a few days there was a provider on p411 was cute price was good but the performance was spot on went for the hour stayed over 2 ... 2 nights in a row she got a good tip she has now left the industry and moved to the north east but still keep in contact from time to time there were some other chick in Jacksonville that were way hotter looking but this one had that look again she was cute but not Playboy model but one hell of a time

To me it’s performance some gfe and getting along and having a good time .... yes I’ve had some just get in a fuck and out the door and won’t go back same as others just got to give some a chance !
She's gotta have some good looks for me. Of course it's about the service, but how can I stay hard when I'm looking at a chimpanzee. Lol!!!
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