Who Needs the Second Amendment?

Toolman's Avatar
Big Joe's Avatar
Completely agree with these.
While dated, this saying still holds true:

"those who beat their swords into plow shares, will soon be plowing for those that don't".
txscubaman's Avatar
You want to influence the Second Amendment debate? Put your money where your mouth is... (1) Only buy products from companies that don't support anti-gun policies (like Pepsico, Coors beer, etc), (2) Let your elected officials know of your stance and that yes, you are a voter and (3) make campaign donations to politicians who are gun friendly. All of the pictures in the original post are great and influence us all, but let's face it, politicians are NOT watching this website (especially if they wish to remain politicians), so those pics won't influence them. Just quit buying stuff like Pepsi, Taco Bell and KFC, and quit sending your money to politicians and political parties that don't support your way of life. They can have my guns when they pry them from my cold dead fingers.
txscubaman's Avatar
Here's some more information for everyone...
The NRA and ILA have compiled lists of companies, celebrities, CEOs, etc. of people who support gun-control. You can find it at: http://www.nraila.org/issues/factsheets/read.aspx?id=15
Also take a look at this one.... http://www.pinkpistols.org/antigun.html
....and finally, if you want all of the talking points of the anti-gun crowd with the appropriate response, look here: http://www.keepandbeararms.com/infor...Item.asp?id=38
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Most of the gun-control schmucks have all but given up on any direct approach to restrict gun ownership ... now they're hanging their hopes on the useless U.N. and international treaties to do it for them. That way they can say "my hands are tied". Worthless bastards that they are!
Timk48's Avatar
I like gun control for politicians.
boardman's Avatar

There are two things that I really fear:

Fucking with or somehow circumventing the Second Amendment is one of them.

The other is a global food shortage.

This is survival at it's most basic element.

Everything else is just politics.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
...while ceding sovereignty to the friggin' worthless UN...anything to keep it away from the citizenry:

EDITORIAL: U.N. threatens Second and First Amendments

One-worlders are going after your guns

6:05 p.m., Friday, July 23, 2010

"The United Nations is holding secret closed meetings to work out a global arms trade treaty. The agreement, which could be finished by 2012, is a threat to Americans' Second and First Amendment rights.
"Some type of micro-stamping regulations seems all but inevitable. It is very, very likely," the Heritage Foundation's Theodore R. Bromund, who tracks the U.N., told The Washington Times. "Restrictions on trade between private individuals are somewhat less than 50-50, but you surely can't rule that out. Some kind of gun registration and licensing system is an extremely likely probability." Registration proposals cover guns as well as individual rounds of ammunition.
The Obama administration strongly supports the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty and no doubt will use the process to push for gun-control regulations that it can't get through Congress otherwise.
A lot of baloney is floating in Turtle Bay. Gun registration is being promoted despite evidence that the costly bureaucratic system has been a complete failure in solving any crimes or stopping criminals from getting access to guns everywhere it's been tried. "None of these treaties have a relationship to reality," Mr. Bromund explains. "Terrorists are still going to have access to guns because governments give them guns, and they are still going to be able to give them guns." As an example, he pointed out, "The FARC fighting in Colombia get their guns from Venezuela."
As with everything that goes down at the U.N.'s headquarters on Manhattan's East River, America will pick up a disproportionate share of the tab to implement the treaty, with all those countries considered most "in need" taking another free ride. This is counterproductive even without the usual fraud and waste that hobble U.N. programs.
Gun rights aren't the only thing would-be globocops are targeting in the treaty. There is a U.N. discussion paper advancing "the reduction of violence in the media and in video games" as well as "sustained efforts at reeducation and reorientation of [member state] citizens." Whatever the plan, that can't be good for the First Amendment.
Any U.N. Arms Trade Treaty will undermine freedom around the world. The right to bear arms is an individual's protection against oppression anywhere. It took herculean efforts by George W. Bush's administration to thwart this U.N. power grab a few years ago. Unfortunately, we now have a left-wing White House working to make this dangerous treaty a reality."

CRAP! Obviously my next gun's gonna have to be a Saiga-12, with the 20 round drum.
LexusLover's Avatar
Does anyone seriously believe that someone wearing a blue helmet is going to come knocking on your door to ask you for the "U.N. registration papers" on your weapons?

If so, you have forgotten about the "oil for food" program?

Just hand 'em a $5 bill, and if they hesitate, give 'em 2 of them.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Does anyone seriously believe that someone wearing a blue helmet is going to come knocking on your door to ask you for the "U.N. registration papers" on your weapons?

If so, you have forgotten about the "oil for food" program?

Just hand 'em a $5 bill, and if they hesitate, give 'em 2 of them. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Blue helmets don't worry me; it's Barack's Brownshirts who will come a-knockin' while Obama is steady telling the American people: "Don't blame me, it's an international treaty obligation...and I voted present."
LexusLover's Avatar
Blue helmets don't worry me; it's Barack's Brownshirts who will come a-knockin' .... Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak
He won't be around long enough .....

.... to find enough with balls to do the job.
boardman's Avatar
I bought ammo this weekend.
.223 has finally come down in price since our soldiers aren't allowed to shoot anyone now.
O'Mike's Avatar
Those images are from Oleg Volk, of Nashville TN.


Here is a link to a lot of his gun related stuff. I really like how he integrates the female form into some of his work.


He also has a good firearm related forum. Very newbie friendly, and is a good place to start if anyone wants to get into the shooting sports, or needs help in determining their self defense needs.


Just wanted to give the person who created the work above the due credit he deserves.
dearhunter's Avatar
I like to snuggle with my guns almost as much as I do pussy